Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Next update for 3 Jan 07

The next free report will be for 3 Jan 07. Happy holidays to all. Also I am doing a major overhaul to my blogs.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Free Inner Planet Aspects for Stock and Currency Markets for 05-19 Dec '06

Compared to last week, we have a lot more hards.

Date Aspects Soft Hard
05/12/2006 shsssshhhssssss 11 4
06/12/2006 hshhhh 1 5
07/12/2006 hhshshhh 2 6
08/12/2006 hshsssssh 6 3
09/12/2006 hshshhsh 3 5
10/12/2006 hssssshssshsss 11 3
11/12/2006 shhshshshhhhs 5 8
12/12/2006 sshh 2 2
13/12/2006 sshhshhhhhhh 3 9
14/12/2006 hhshhssh 3 5
15/12/2006 shshhhshhhs 4 7
16/12/2006 hshsssh 4 3
17/12/2006 hssshssshsshs 9 4
18/12/2006 hhhhsshs 3 5
19/12/2006 shhsshhhhhs 4 7

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 13 Dec 06

More hards will make it hard to go up.

All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)

00-01 sss <= soft focus
01-02 hsh
02-03 hh
03-04 hs
04-05 h
05-06 hshh <= hard focus
06-07 shs
07-08 hhh <= hard focus
08-09 s
09-10 s
10-11 s
11-12 hhhs <= hard focus
12-13 sshshh
13-14 s
14-15 g
15-16 hsh
16-17 hhh <= hard focus
17-18 hh
18-19 ss
19-20 s
20-21 h
21-22 s
22-23 hhh <= hard focus
23-24 sss <= soft focus

This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me from the link on this site. There are both daily and weekly reports. You can ask me questions for free on Wednesdays.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Inner Planets and Sun Aspects 30 Nov-12 Dec '06

Inner Planets are Mercury, Venus, and Sun aspects to outer Planets produced softer tone, and the markets remained buoyed in the past week.

Date Order Soft Hard
30/11/2006 shhshh 2 4
01/12/2006 sshsshhh 4 4
02/12/2006 ssssshshh 6 3
03/12/2006 shsshhhh 3 5
04/12/2006 hsshhshh 3 5
05/12/2006 shsssshhhssssss 11 4

Next Week is still buoyed by more softs.

06/12/2006 hshhhh 1 5
07/12/2006 hhshshhh 2 6
08/12/2006 hshsssssh 6 3
09/12/2006 hshshhsh 3 5
10/12/2006 hssssshssshsss 11 3
11/12/2006 shhshshshhhhs 5 8
12/12/2006 sshh 2 2

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 06 Dec 06

Quite supportive thanks to the softs, even though it will be quiet with the gaps.

All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)

00-01 hhsh <= hard focus
01-02 hs
02-03 h
03-04 ss <= soft focus
04-05 s
05-06 s
06-07 hss <= soft focus
07-08 hs
08-09 s
09-10 g
10-11 hhs
11-12 shsh
12-13 shhh <= soft focus
13-14 s
14-15 g
15-16 g
16-17 h
17-18 g
18-19 h
19-20 ss
20-21 hhs
21-22 hss
22-23 hh
23-24 h

This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me from the link on this site. There are both daily and weekly reports. You can ask me questions for free on Wednesdays.

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