Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 25 Apr 07

Mostly soft focus.

All times are GMT not BST (US opens at 13:30 and closes at 20:15)

00-01 ss
01-02 shhh <= hard focus
02-03 ssh
03-04 ss <= soft focus
04-05 shh <= hard focus
05-06 g
06-07 s
07-08 hss <= soft focus
08-09 hsshhh <= hard focus
09-10 hs
10-11 sh
11-12 ss <= soft focus
12-13 s
13-14 h
14-15 h
15-16 s
16-17 sshs <= soft focus
17-18 h
18-19 h
19-20 g
20-21 sss <= soft focus
21-22 hh
22-23 hh <= hard focus
23-24 hhsssss <= soft focus

So remember, that when we have at least a couple of the same aspects in sequence then we have the correct conditions for a correlation. It is rare to get more than four hard or four soft aspects per hour. There usually is of the other imbetween. But you need to know what kind of aspects they are and how powerful they are.

This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me on aliwhoATgmailDOTcom, with "question for ali" in the subject line.

What actually happened

This is the chart of the BBC Global 30. As you can see it followed the aspects pretty well.

Free Planetary Aspects for Markets 18 Apr-01 May 2007

As you can see the hard aspects we had on Monday and Tuesday made it difficult for markets, and it will recur next week, but with the difference that this Friday is not as net soft aspected as last Friday.

18/04/2007 Wednesday 11 5 -6
19/04/2007 Thursday 9 9 0
20/04/2007 Friday 4 10 6
23/04/2007 Monday 8 6 -2
24/04/2007 Tuesday 10 9 -1
25/04/2007 Wednesday 6 7 1
26/04/2007 Thursday 8 8 0
27/04/2007 Friday 5 5 0
30/04/2007 Monday 9 3 -6
01/05/2007 Tuesday 11 9 -2

But remember to look at the Moon aspects as well for each day, as I have shown for free for the Wednesday report.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 18 Apr 07

Mostly hard focus, so that means if the market goes down there will be good volume, or else the volume will go down.

All times are GMT not BST (US opens at 13:30 and closes at 20:15)

00-01 hhh <= hard focus
01-02 sh
02-03 hs
03-04 hs
04-05 hhs <= hard focus
05-06 sh
06-07 ss
07-08 shhhhh <= hard focus
08-09 h
09-10 h
10-11 shhss
11-12 s
12-13 ss <= soft focus
13-14 ssh
14-15 hshh < hard focus
15-16 hhs
16-17 hh <= hard focus
17-18 s
18-19 h
19-20 sshhh <= hard focus
20-21 hsshh
21-22 s
22-23 sss
23-24 hssh

So remember, that when we have at least a couple of the same aspects in sequence then we have the correct conditions for a correlation. It is rare to get more than four hard or four soft aspects per hour. There usually is of the other imbetween. But you need to know what kind of aspects they are and how powerful they are.

This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me on aliwhoATgmailDOTcom, with "question for ali" in the subject line.

Markets Close Commentary

Above is the BBC Global 30 Index of the largest companies of the world from the opening in New Zealand to the US close. You can see how the hard aspects did drop the stocks. If you look at it closer, you can see how the soft focus took the markets up as well.

This is the type of report you can expect on the daily report. The 5 day report is much more detailed.

Free Planetary Aspects for Markets 11-24 Apr 2007

Date, Day, Hard, Soft, Net

11/04/2007 Wednesday 6 4 -2
12/04/2007 Thursday 11 3 -8
13/04/2007 Friday 5 6 1
16/04/2007 Monday 7 2 -5
17/04/2007 Tuesday 9 8 -1
18/04/2007 Wednesday 11 5 -6
19/04/2007 Thursday 9 9 0
20/04/2007 Friday 4 10 6
23/04/2007 Monday 8 6 -2
24/04/2007 Tuesday 10 9 -1

Pretty hard aspects tomorrow 18th, but then it is not that hard.

Daily US Stock Market Astrology Report 17 April 2007

Moon's soft aspect to Pluto took the US market up, but there were more hard aspects, and it ran out of steam. In fact what is quite clever about the US Astrotraders is that they have managed to keep the US market artificially up. That is because the volume of the US market is low, even though the market is high. To me that is cunning. Obviously we all know the background hard aspects have made it difficult for the markets to go up. What little moments of soft aspects there are, are used well, and then the market is bid up by the market makers artificially.

Well that is all very well. So when does it fail? It tends to fail when you get a set of hard aspects focused, and no amount of manipulation works. So when you have hard planetary aspects that happen to form exactly within an hour or so, and then some lunar ones, you end up having a massive sandwich, which pack a real one-two, and knocks the market for six (cricket term). If the market has been trading for a while and there are no impending news, it tends to work quite well.

Well today in the last hour of US trading we get a nice sandwich. But we also have an impending news, that has many sitting on their hands. Intel is reporting. So I not expect open-mindedness as it were, as most of the US traders are staying away until that news is out of the way. That is what I mean by it being artificial. But even now it should work.

Anyway if you have your Aspectarian all set up like me, then you should be able to see the four hard aspects in the last hour of the US market. That's not now, but in an hour's time. Let's see if it can knock it down. Or will the volume just die instead.

Post market comment

And there was a drop.

And if you look at the volume in the above chart, you will see how they only went up when the market was going down after the open and closes. So the facts do fit the theory, that if there are hard aspects, and the market does not go down, then the volume does. And of course it applies to soft aspects. And I will show you one day when the markets are decidedly bearish, that the volume will drop with the soft aspects.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 11 Apr 07

More hard focus aspects than soft, even though the US can muster a rally just before the close.

All times are GMT not BST (US opens at 13:30 and closes at 20:15)

00-01 h
01-02 hh
02-03 hhhh <= hard focus
03-04 s
04-05 h
05-06 h
06-07 sh
07-08 hsss <= soft focus
08-09 s
09-10 sshs
10-11 hhhh <= hard focus
11-12 h
12-13 h
13-14 sshh
14-15 hs
15-16 hh <= hard focus
16-17 g
17-18 s
18-19 s
19-20 hsh
20-21 sshss <= soft focus
21-22 shh
22-23 h
23-24 hhs

So remember, that when we have at least a couple of the same aspects in sequence then we have the correct conditions for a correlation. It is rare to get more than four hard or four soft aspects per hour. There usually is of the other imbetween. But you need to know what kind of aspects they are and how powerful they are.

This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me on aliwhoATgmailDOTcom, with "question for ali" in the subject line.

Free Planetary Aspects for Markets from 4-17 Apr 07

Below are the hard, soft, and net aspects, for non lunar aspects per day. You see that it is mostly hard. Now you need to know the lunar aspects for each day to see the focal points. So for example you need today's read the free report that includes the lunar aspects aswell. Get in touch with me if you want to pay and be instructed outside Wednesdays.


For all of you who saw my attempt at code, well it produces a massive gap, which I did not expect. It is a conflict in blogger. The format I am using is: week day and date, then hard, then soft, then net.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 04 Apr 07

We seem to be having more hard aspects, with just one hour of soft focus in EU trading. So expect the EU market to go up, and the US pop up, but not be able to follow through and fall.

All times are GMT not BST (US opens at 13:30 and closes at 20:15)

00-01 sshh
01-02 shh
02-03 s
03-04 hshhh <= hard focus
04-05 h
05-06 s
06-07 s
07-08 hhhh <= hard focus
08-09 s
09-10 ss
10-11 s
11-12 sss <= soft focus
12-13 h
13-14 hhshhs <= hard focus
14-15 hs
15-16 hs
16-17 s
17-18 hhh <= hard focus
18-19 h
19-20 sh
20-21 shs
21-22 shsh
22-23 g
23-24 hsh

So remember, that when we have at least a couple of the same aspects in sequence then we have the correct conditions for a correlation. It is rare to get more than four hard or four soft aspects per hour. There usually is of the other imbetween. But you need to know what kind of aspects they are and how powerful they are.

This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me on aliwhoATgmailDOTcom, with "question for ali" in the subject line.

Planetary aspects for 28 Mar- 10 Apr 2007

Below are the aspect values for the past, present and next week for Planets to Planets. As you can see there is no overall theme. So one needs to look at the Lunar Aspects as well. Look at the Free Report for Wednesdays that gives you a glance of all the aspects per hour.

28/03/2007 Wednesday.......6.......8.......2
29/03/2007 Thursday.........10......5.......-5
30/03/2007 Friday............5.......3.......-2
02/04/2007 Monday..........6.......10......4
03/04/2007 Tuesday..........8.......2.......-6
04/04/2007 Wednesday.......9.......9.......0
05/04/2007 Thursday..........7.......4.......-3
06/04/2007 Friday.............3.......9.......6
09/04/2007 Monday..........10......4.......-6
10/04/2007 Tuesday..........7.......10......3

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