Monday, January 23, 2012

Market Astrology: Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury 23 Jan-3 Feb 2012

Market Astrology: Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury 23 Jan-3 Feb 2012

Quite simply we have soft aspects at the beginning of this week and next. Last two week's correlations were pretty much in line. So it looks like it is a little more volatile now.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Market Astrology: Mars Sun Venus Mercury 6-20 January 2012

Mars Sun Venus Mercury 6-20 January 2012

As I have always said there are three sets of time to look at.  The very short term, that is dominated by the aspects of the Moon. Then there is the one above, that deals with Mars Sun Venus Mercury. Finally we have the slow moving ones from Asteroids on out. You need all three to make a good decision. But the above table is not bad. You can see that there is a period of soft aspects coming along.  Soft aspects help us to expand and take risks. It all expands. The opposite is the hard aspected periods when we are get very cautious and move into bonds etc etc.  So have a splash. Go for it! Yeah!

Review of 17-21 February 2024 Citystats Stock Market and Oil Astrology.

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