Sunday, January 10, 2016

Astrology predicted the 4-8 January 2016 Stock Market Crash

Below are two images. First is a table that shows the prominent angles made by planets to each other. An arrow is drawn to show that there is a focus of angles that make people want to sell more than buy or vice versa. It is this focus of angles that intensifies the effect on the mood of people on Earth.

The second image has taken those arrows and placed them directly on the Dow Jones index. You can place them on any index or any aspect of life on Earth. These angles can be produced for any time period. So we can go into what we call "the future", and so "predict".

Saturday, January 09, 2016

One week correlation of Dow Jones to Astrology for 04-09 Jan 2016

One week correlation of Dow Jones to Astrology for 04-09 Jan 2016

I have decided to change the format. I will from time to time show as clearly as daylight the correlation. 

The arrows are exactly the same on both images. Think what you could have done if you had the table on the left before hand. How much is it worth to you? Is Astrology a load of rubbish?

Review of 17-21 February 2024 Citystats Stock Market and Oil Astrology.

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