Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Mars in Taurus 2005-2006

Mars moves into Taurus tomorrow 28 July 2005. Mars usually spends a month or so in a sign. It is very rare for it to spend six months in a sign, let alone in Taurus. For further information you need to consult an Aspectarian or an Ephemeris. Many of the aspects I use are not obvious, and are not easily obtainable. Email me if you need my premium service.

25jul31 ssshhhh
01aug07 shhshssh
08aug14 hhhshssh
15aug21 hhhshsh
22aug28 hssshhhhshs
29aug/sep04 shh
05sep11 ssssh
12sep18 hsh
19sep25 hhhh
26sep/oct2 ss
03oct09 h
10oct16 hshs
17oct23 shssss
24oct30 hssshsshhhs
31oct/nov06 sssssshhhh
07nov13 shhshss
14nov20 shhhhsshh
21nov27 shhssh
28nov/dec04 hhh
05dec11 hsshhs
12dec18 sh
19dec25 ssshh
26dec/jan01 shhhhh
02jan08 hshs
09jan15 shshsh
16jan22 hshhshshsh
23jan29 hsss
30jan/feb05 hhhsssshs
06feb12 shhshshs
13feb19 shhhhhhss

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