Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 31 Jan 06

You can see that we had two periods of hard focus, and more hard aspects most of the time. So the Dax fell, and the US stocks were pressured too.


00-01 hs
01-02 hs
02-03 hh
03-04 hs
04-05 g
05-06 hsshh
06-07 s
07-08 hs
08-09 h
09-10 h
10-11 shshh ] <= hard focus
11-12 sh
12-13 hhs
13-14 ss
14-15 shhh ] <= hard focus
15-16 ss
16-17 h
17-18 shh
18-19 ssh
19-20 s
20-21 hss
21-22 shsh
22-23 g
23-24 hsh

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Mon 30 Jan 06

There was no focus in AM EU and PM EU and nothing much happened. Soft focus in PM US (17-21) took the US up, until the markets dropped in the two hours of gap in aspects before the close. Those gaps made communicating very difficult at work, with the computers not working well, and customers getting really confused.


00-01 shh
01-02 shh
02-03 shh
03-04 shh
04-05 s
05-06 hs
06-07 hhs
07-08 h
08-09 sh
09-10 h
10-11 shh
11-12 h
12-13 hs
13-14 s
14-15 hssh
15-16 ss
16-17 shsshh
17-18 sss ] <= soft focus
18-19 hhssh
19-20 g
20-21 g
21-22 sh
22-23 hhh
23-24 hh

Friday, January 27, 2006

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Fri 27 Jan 06

AM EU had one soft focused period; that enabled the Dax and Euro to remain bouyant. PM EU/AM US two hard focused periods; that enabled stopped the US stock markets from rising and pulled them back. PM US had one soft focused period; that rose the US markets. This is my simple daily report that costs $100/month. If you need more details you need to have the 5 day detailed report per region for $300/month. See www.citystats.co.uk and contact me for details.


00-01 ssh
01-02 hhhhs ]
02-03 g
03-04 sh
04-05 s
05-06 sh
06-07 hhh ]
07-08 g
08-09 hs
09-10 h
10-11 ssssh ]
11-12 shsh
12-13 hs
13-14 hhshh ]
14-15 g
15-16 hhh ]
16-17 ss
17-18 s
18-19 sss ]
19-20 sshhs
20-21 g
21-22 sh
22-23 hh
23-24 hhh ]

note: ]=focused

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thurs 26 Jan 06

AM EU had more hard aspects, but the Dax went up and did not correlate, yet the Euro fell. PM EU/AM US had two sets of focused periods (now highlighted); which did create interesting gyrations in the US dollar, and the US stock market rose with the soft focus. PM US was pressured a bit with the hards, but regained the earlier highs with the softs near the close.


00-01 ss
01-02 ssh
02-03 ss
03-04 hh
04-05 hhhh ]
05-06 sh
06-07 shh
07-08 sh
08-09 h
09-10 sh
10-11 hsh
11-12 h
12-13 hhhs ]
13-14 sh
14-15 sssh ]
15-16 ss
16-17 hh
17-18 hs
18-19 ss
19-20 s
20-21 sh
21-22 ssh
22-23 hh
23-24 g

New idea: using the symbol "]" to denote high focus.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Wed 25 Jan 06

On Wednesdays I provide a free report and an explanation of what to expect. I will concentrate on the EU and US trading sessions, but you can use the technique for any market or trading environment like a shop floor.

AM EU does not have any focus of aspects, so expect a mixed narrow trading markets, after an intial fall due to the pre-market hard aspects. PM EU/AM US is mixed to start with, but then with little more soft aspects near Noon US or closing EU; so the markets should rise with the softs. PM US has more hard aspects, and the markets should turn around and fall. You can ask me questions for free on Wednesdays only via Yahoo Instant Messenger, but read the beginners guide first.


00-01 g
01-02 sss
02-03 s
03-04 sssh
04-05 s
05-06 s
06-07 h
07-08 h
08-09 shsh
09-10 shhs
10-11 h
11-12 s
12-13 hsh
13-14 hshs
14-15 g
15-16 ss
16-17 ssh
17-18 shh
18-19 hs
19-20 hh
20-21 hhs
21-22 s
22-23 hs
23-24 h

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 24 Jan 06

AM EU had little aspects in focus to begin with, then a little more hard aspects; that kept the stock markets flat and boring, and the Euro fell back with the hards. PM EU/AM US had a focus of hard aspects; that dropped the US stock market. PM US had little aspects and the markets rose a bit after the hard aspects were over. Notice how the gaps made everything so boring and confusing. Well it was the same situtation on the shop floor, with the average customer having confusing problems. Quite funny really to see how the hard aspects correlated well with the number of returned items we had, and problems with delivery.


00-01 sh
01-02 ssh
02-03 hsh
03-04 hss
04-05 sh
05-06 hshh
06-07 ss
07-08 h
08-09 s
09-10 sh
10-11 hss
11-12 shhsh
12-13 shh
13-14 g
14-15 hhhh
15-16 ss
16-17 s
17-18 g
18-19 sh
19-20 g
20-21 hsh
21-22 shh
22-23 g
23-24 hh

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 23 Jan 06

AM EU had mixed unfocused aspects, with a little more emphasis on the softs early on; and the Dax and Euro rose early on. PM EU/ AM US had more hard aspect that were unfocused that managed to make it difficult for the US markets to rise, and the US dollar lost ground. PM US had a set of focused hard aspects that kept the pressure on the markets. Notice also for the week the aspects to Neptune and Asteroids. Asteroid hard aspects to slower moving planets for the week. Less hard aspects and better aspects to Neptune, tend to help commodities especially oil and non US dollar currencies and idealistic rant in the world of politics.


00-01 g
01-02 ssh
02-03 hh
03-04 sshh
04-05 s
05-06 sh
06-07 sh
07-08 hs
08-09 sh
09-10 s
10-11 hshs
11-12 hh
12-13 shhs
13-14 hh
14-15 h
15-16 h
16-17 h
17-18 ss
18-19 hhhs
19-20 s
20-21 hsss
21-22 sh
22-23 h
23-24 shs

Friday, January 20, 2006

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Fri 20 Jan 06

AM EU was mixed and even though the Dax rose, later in the morning we had more hard aspects that dropped the Dax. PM EU/AM US had a good focus of hard aspects, that dropped the stock markets big time. Some soft aspects paused the drop for a while, but the fall resumed, once they were out of the way and a gap occured. More pause with some soft aspects, and then a further fall with hard at the end. Please note the corresponding loses for the US dollar as well.


00-01 hhh
01-02 hs
02-03 hhh
03-04 shs
04-05 h
05-06 hs
06-07 ss
07-08 s
08-09 hsh
09-10 hs
10-11 sh
11-12 h
12-13 hh
13-14 g
14-15 hshhh
15-16 ss
16-17 hsss
17-18 g
18-19 h
19-20 ss
20-21 hs
21-22 s
22-23 h
23-24 ss

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thurs 19 Jan 06

More soft aspects in AM EU buoyed the EU markets. PM EU had more hard aspects first and then no aspects; and there was a pull back in EU markets, and the US markets remained flat. PM US started off with more hard aspects, then more soft aspects; which took the markets up after a pause.


00-01 s
01-02 g
02-03 g
03-04 shs
04-05 s
05-06 g
06-07 hshhs
07-08 hhhshsh
08-09 s
09-10 sh
10-11 ssh
11-12 shh
12-13 hs
13-14 hh
14-15 ss
15-16 g
16-17 g
17-18 hh
18-19 ss
19-20 hs
20-21 g
21-22 hsh
22-23 sh
23-24 hshs

Strock and Forex Market Astrology for Thurs 19 Jan 06

More soft aspects in AM EU buoyed the EU markets. PM EU had more hard aspects first and then no aspects; and there was a pull back in EU markets, and the US markets remained flat. PM US started off with more hard aspects, then more soft aspects; which took the markets up after a pause.


00-01 s
01-02 g
02-03 g
03-04 shs
04-05 s
05-06 g
06-07 hshhs
07-08 hhhshsh
08-09 s
09-10 sh
10-11 ssh
11-12 shh
12-13 hs
13-14 hh
14-15 ss
15-16 g
16-17 g
17-18 hh
18-19 ss
19-20 hs
20-21 g
21-22 hsh
22-23 sh
23-24 hshs

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Wed 18 Jan 06

Quite thin on focussed aspects in EU and US time, apart from a hard set around Noon EU. Wednesday are open days, when people can ask me questions via Instant Messenger for free.


00-01 hs
01-02 hshs
02-03 hh
03-04 hss
04-05 hs
05-06 h
06-07 hhshs
07-08 hss
08-09 h
09-10 h
10-11 sshs
11-12 shhhh
12-13 h
13-14 h
14-15 sh
15-16 hs
16-17 hh
17-18 hs
18-19 shh
19-20 hs
20-21 s
21-22 h
22-23 hs
23-24 hshs

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 17 Jan 06

AM EU had more hard aspects, and the Dax and Euro fell. PM EU/AM US was mixed but with more soft aspects, and even though the US markets opened down, they did drift up. PM US had more hard aspects to begin with, but then a focus of softs in 18-19, that provided a short-term boost. The last couple of hours were again unfocussed and mixed, which kept the market range bound.


00-01 hss
01-02 hhs
02-03 shs
03-04 sh
04-05 sh
05-06 ss
06-07 h
07-08 hsh
08-09 s
09-10 hh
10-11 h
11-12 h
12-13 sh
13-14 hss
14-15 sh
15-16 ss
16-17 hhs
17-18 hshhshh
18-19 sss
19-20 hh
20-21 ssh
21-22 s
22-23 shh
23-24 ss

Stock and Forex Market Astrology Mon 16 Jan 2006

Hard aspects just before trading began and early on in AM EU, brought the EU markets down, and the softer aspects later on in the morning, took the markets up. PM EU was again soft followed by hards, and the markets went up some more before consolidating. With the US closed the US dollar did still come under pressure later on with the hards, after rising with the earlier softs.


00-01 hs
01-02 g
02-03 hs
03-04 g
04-05 hhhh
05-06 sh
06-07 h
07-08 h
08-09 h
09-10 s
10-11 ss
11-12 sshs
12-13 h
13-14 h
14-15 ssh
15-16 ss
16-17 g
17-18 hs
18-19 hh
19-20 h
20-21 shs
21-22 s
22-23 sss
23-24 s

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Jan to Mar '06 Aspects to Neptune

Below are the aspects of all the planets that go faster than Neptune to Neptune. I have found that aspects to Neptune govern commodities, especially oil, and political idealism, as in dogma. Weeks when we have hard aspects we should expect oil to drop and idealism to fail. Weeks when we have soft aspects, we should expect people to buy oil, and any dogmatic idealism to be warmly greeted (such as 1st week of Feb). This quarter it seems that it is more mixed.

02Jan08 hhsh
09Jan15 shhs
16Jan22 h
23Jan29 sh
30J-F05 hsss
06Feb12 hs
13Feb19 hhs
20Feb26 hs
27F-M05 s
06Mar12 sshh
13Mar19 hsshh
20Mar26 hss
27Mar31 hsh

Friday, January 13, 2006

Stock and Forex Market Astrology Fri 13 Jan 06

As you can see, there were no aspects early on in AM EU, and more hard aspects at 10-11 period, which somewhat correlated to the fall in the Dax, and the Euro. I say somewhat, because a gap is supposed to create no movement. But the hard aspect was between planets and not moon, so the aspect was close. PM EU/AM US had more aspects, but still the hard aspects were more, and the US stock markets fell accordingly. PM US had more hard aspects, that dropped the markets further, and then there were no aspects, and they recovered. I tell you, this combination of hard and gaps in aspects, makes life tough on the shop floor. You will see what I mean when one day when we have some soft moments.


00-01 ss
01-02 shs
02-03 ss
03-04 h
04-05 sh
05-06 s
06-07 hs
07-08 g
08-09 g
09-10 g
10-11 hshsh
11-12 sshs
12-13 hs
13-14 h
14-15 h
15-16 shh
16-17 hhss
17-18 ssh
18-19 hh
19-20 g
20-21 g
21-22 h
22-23 shhs
23-24 hs

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thurs 12 Jan 06

AM EU had more hards at the start, and that kept the markets pressured, but the Dax and Euro did not fall. PM EU/AM US was quiet with the gap in aspects, and later got mixed, keeping the markets mixed. PM US had hard aspects that dropped the markets. Pretty boring eh.


00-01 h
01-02 shh
02-03 g
03-04 ss
04-05 sss
05-06 hh
06-07 hss
07-08 h
08-09 shs
09-10 shh
10-11 h
11-12 g
12-13 g
13-14 hsh
14-15 s
15-16 sshh
16-17 hs
17-18 hh
18-19 h
19-20 s
20-21 g
21-22 g
22-23 sh
23-24 hh

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Wed 11 Jan 06

The first thing you notice when you look at the EU and US trading periods, are the number of gaps. These are quiet periods. Now if you look at the AM EU, it starts off well with the soft aspects, but then it will drop with the focus of hard aspects around Noon. PM EU/ AM US has the gaps, and it should be really quiet, which is really weird for beginning of the year trading from a logical point of view. But then there are soft aspects, and they will eventually take the markets up. PM US has more hard aspects, that will drop the markets. Then there are a couple of soft aspects to stop the fall, before mixed aspects to softer aspects well after the close that will trend slightly higher after a gap. Today is the day to ask questions for free via YIM.


00-01 s
01-02 shh
02-03 g
03-04 sh
04-05 ss
05-06 hs
06-07 g
07-08 ss
08-09 ss
09-10 hshs
10-11 g
11-12 shhh
12-13 g
13-14 g
14-15 hss
15-16 s
16-17 hs
17-18 hshh
18-19 h
19-20 ss
20-21 hshs
21-22 g
22-23 ss
23-24 hsh

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 10 Jan 06

AM EU had more softs aspects than hards, and the Euro was up longer than the Dax which fell sooner than the softs aspects ran out. PM EU/AM US was mixed, and the markets were confined to range trading. PM US had a bit more softs early on that took the US markets up, and then just one hard aspects that dropped the markets, and then they went up with one soft aspect, then a hard and then up towards the two soft aspects just after the close. All these moves were of the order 0.2 to 0.4%, quite reflective of the low order of aspects and focus. One day you will see big moves when there are moves aspects in focus.


00-01 hhh
01-02 sh
02-03 g
03-04 hh
04-05 s
05-06 s
06-07 hs
07-08 ss
08-09 s
09-10 s
10-11 hss
11-12 hs
12-13 sh
13-14 hs
14-15 s
15-16 g
16-17 hh
17-18 hss
18-19 h
19-20 s
20-21 h
21-22 sshh
22-23 h
23-24 h

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Mon 09 Jan 06

AM EU started with some soft aspects that buoyed the Dax and the Euro, but then the hard aspects later on in the morning pressured the markets, even thought they were in a tight range. PM EU/AM US had more hard aspects, and they depressed the Dax and the Euro, and then when the US markets opened, it was not until the hard aspects had gone that the stock markets rose. PM US had more soft aspects near the close, which took the markets up very nicely. On the shop floor we had some really "Monday" customers, just when those hard aspects were hitting. And then later the people were much more enthusiastic to buy. It all made a lot of sense.


00-01 sh
01-02 sh
02-03 s
03-04 s
04-05 shssssh
05-06 ss
06-07 h
07-08 ss
08-09 ss
09-10 sh
10-11 h
11-12 hhs
12-13 ss
13-14 hshh
14-15 shh
15-16 s
16-17 h
17-18 hhs
18-19 shs
19-20 g
20-21 hss
21-22 ssh
22-23 hh
23-24 hs

Friday, January 06, 2006

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Fri 06 Jan 06

More hard aspects, followed more soft aspects, kept the Dax and Euro down, and then they went up. PM EU/AM US had less aspects, but a little more softs; which buoyed the US stock markets, and the US dollar recovered for a little while. PM US had little more hard aspects; that stopped the rally in markets.


00-01 hs
01-02 ss
02-03 s
03-04 shhsh
04-05 shs
05-06 hss
06-07 s
07-08 shsh
08-09 shhh
09-10 hhs
10-11 g
11-12 shsss
12-13 sshh
13-14 s
14-15 s
15-16 shhs
16-17 g
17-18 hs
18-19 hsh
19-20 sh
20-21 shh
21-22 shhh
22-23 hs
23-24 sh

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thurs 05 Jan 06

There a little more soft aspects at first, the more hard aspects later on, in AM EU; that kept the Dax up for a while before it fell, and the Euro hit 1.2111, before hitting 1.2080. PM EU/AM had more softs; that helped to raise the US stocks and the US dollar to 1.2066. PM US had more hard aspects; that dropped the US stock markets, and the US dollar to 1.2115.


00-01 h
01-02 ss
02-03 hshhh
03-04 shh
04-05 hsh
05-06 hhh
06-07 hhhh
07-08 h
08-09 hs
09-10 ss
10-11 hhs
11-12 hhs
12-13 s
13-14 hhssh
14-15 ss
15-16 hsss
16-17 hhh
17-18 s
18-19 hsh
19-20 hhh
20-21 g
21-22 hs
22-23 hh
23-24 hss

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Free Stock and Forex Market Report for Wed 03 Jan 06

Below is the free report that I post every Wednesday. If you look at AM EU you will see that there are slightly more hard aspects early on than later on, and there is more of a soft focus near Noon. So I would expect a mixed to down start followed by a rise as we get those soft aspects near Noon. PM EU/US hasn’t got many aspects, so the markets will be boring, even though there are more soft aspects. PM US is the same story. Remember I provide free advice on Wednesday via Yahoo Instant Messenger.


00-01 sh
01-02 ss
02-03 sh
03-04 hshss
04-05 ssh
05-06 hh
06-07 hsh
07-08 hs
08-09 sshh
09-10 shs
10-11 g
11-12 hsshss
12-13 s
13-14 h
14-15 shs
15-16 sh
16-17 g
17-18 h
18-19 s
19-20 sh
20-21 sh
21-22 h
22-23 hsh
23-24 g

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 03 Jan 06

More hard aspects at first, then soft aspects in focus in AM EU; did not drop the Dax at first but kept it buoyant, and the Euro rose. PM EU had more soft aspects at first, followed by more hard aspects; that kept the Dax buoyed, but the US markets opened with the hard aspects, which dropped stocks and dollar. PM US had no aspects after the hards, which rose the markets, but the harder aspects stopped the rally at the end.


00-01 shhh
01-02 g
02-03 hhh
03-04 hshsh
04-05 hsssh
05-06 ss
06-07 h
07-08 hh
08-09 g
09-10 shh
10-11 hhh
11-12 sssh
12-13 ssssh
13-14 h
14-15 hh
15-16 hs
16-17 hsshhs
17-18 hhs
18-19 g
19-20 s
20-21 hhh
21-22 hss
22-23 hh
23-24 sh

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Mon 02 Jan 06

AM EU had a focus of soft aspects early on followed by mixed aspects; so the Euro rose and then pulled back. PM EU/AM US had a focus of hard aspects; so the US dollar lost a bit. PM US had mixed aspects, and a focus of hard aspects at the end; so the US dollar was mixed, and then fell. PS. Some of you would have gotten the first version of this. Like a true idiot, I looked at the Friday's stock charts without looking at the dates. Obviously the stock markets were closed, but the currencies were not.


00-01 hshhsh
01-02 s
02-03 sss
03-04 h
04-05 hhhs
05-06 g
06-07 hhhh
07-08 sss
08-09 hs
09-10 s
10-11 hs
11-12 hs
12-13 s
13-14 shs
14-15 shh
15-16 h
16-17 hsh
17-18 s
18-19 h
19-20 s
20-21 hhh
21-22 h
22-23 g
23-24 hhs

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