Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 03 Jan 06

More hard aspects at first, then soft aspects in focus in AM EU; did not drop the Dax at first but kept it buoyant, and the Euro rose. PM EU had more soft aspects at first, followed by more hard aspects; that kept the Dax buoyed, but the US markets opened with the hard aspects, which dropped stocks and dollar. PM US had no aspects after the hards, which rose the markets, but the harder aspects stopped the rally at the end.


00-01 shhh
01-02 g
02-03 hhh
03-04 hshsh
04-05 hsssh
05-06 ss
06-07 h
07-08 hh
08-09 g
09-10 shh
10-11 hhh
11-12 sssh
12-13 ssssh
13-14 h
14-15 hh
15-16 hs
16-17 hsshhs
17-18 hhs
18-19 g
19-20 s
20-21 hhh
21-22 hss
22-23 hh
23-24 sh

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