Friday, February 17, 2006

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Fri 17 Feb 06

Hard focus kept the EU market down, then the soft focus took both EU and US markets up.


00-01 sh
01-02 shh
02-03 h <= hard focus
03-04 g
04-05 ss
05-06 g
06-07 shh
07-08 ssshsh <= soft focus
08-09 h
09-10 hsh
10-11 shhh <= hard focus
11-12 h
12-13 sshh
13-14 sss <= soft focus
14-15 s
15-16 s
16-17 s
17-18 shs
18-19 ss <= soft focus
19-20 hs
20-21 s
21-22 h
22-23 h
23-24 h <= hard focus

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