Monday, April 10, 2006

Being made to look like a fool by Washington Post

I got an email, a little while ago, from a staff writer of Washington Post, called Joel Garreau, asking me a few questions. As you all know, I do not pull any punches, and I do not beat about the bush.

I did not know what he was going to do, but he just sent me an email informing me of this article he had written Cosmic Clockwork: A Split Second Of Perfect Order.

It really does not bother me too much, I am used to it. Let them make fun of us Astrologers, but please do not descredit my educational qualifications by using the phrase:
who claims to have a BA from Princeton and a master of science from London University
Anyway I sent him an email thanking him for including me in his joke, and asked him to at least have the common decency to tell me what he was doing before he did it.

Ah well.

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