Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Mars in Leo 2006

Below are the hard and soft aspects of Mars, to the outer planets when it goes through Leo in 2006. Many people just look at these aspects for trading. Mars can give some very tight correlations.

For example from this moment on, we should be seeing the bottom of the stock markets, and a pretty good rally by second week in June. Then it goes the other way in the second half of June. See if you can figure out July for yourself.

05jun11 sssssh
12jun18 hssshssssshs
19jun25 shhhhs
26jun02 hhshhhh
03jul09 shhshs
09jul15 shhsshsshhssshs
16jul23 hsssshhhsh

These values are a simplified picture of an aspectarian set to the guidelines as written in the beginner's guide. Ask me questions for free on Wedensdays along with the free report that is posted.

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