Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wednesday 12 Jul '06

Hard focus in Asian trading will help US dollar and but drop Asian stocks, and early EU stocks. Soft focus in US to begin with will raise US, getting mixed to hard that will make it difficult for it to go up, but later on the markets will go up with the softer aspects.

GMT (US trades from 13:30 to 20:15)

00-01 sss <= soft focus
01-02 g
02-03 hh
03-04 shs
04-05 s
05-06 hhh <= hard focus
06-07 g
07-08 hhss
08-09 hhhs <= hard focus
09-10 shssh
10-11 s
11-12 shs
12-13 sssh <= soft focus
13-14 sh
14-15 hsh
15-16 hh
16-17 shh
17-18 ss
18-19 s
19-20 s
20-21 hs
21-22 s
22-23 g
23-24 s

This report can be easily done by anyone who reads the beginners guide and uses a good aspectarian. If you need help, then you can get it for free from me on Wednesdays only via Instant Messenger.

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