Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 01 Nov 06

A lift in EU with the soft focus. A fall in the US with the hard aspects, followed by a good soft focus, and then consolidation for most of the afternoon with low number of aspects that are more hard than soft.

All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)

00-01 g
01-02 s
02-03 hss
03-04 hss
04-05 shh
05-06 g
06-07 hssh
07-08 hsh
08-09 ss
09-10 s
10-11 hsss <= soft focus
11-12 shsss <= soft focus
12-13 hsh
13-14 hss
14-15 hhsh <= hard focus
15-16 hhshsh
16-17 sss <= soft focus
17-18 h
18-19 s
19-20 h
20-21 shs
21-22 s
22-23 h
23-24 s

This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me from the link on this site. There are both daily and weekly reports. You can ask me questions for free on Wednesdays.

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