Aspects to Neptune from Dec '06 to Feb '07
Aspects to Neptune correlate well, with Oil and religious ideologies. Where you see a week with two or more of the same aspects, then expect a focus. So the first week of Dec has hards, which would keep the prices down, and idealists at bay. But the week starting the 18th Dec, will help oil prices and religious ideologies. For January and February, the tendency is on the hard aspects.
27N/D03 ssshsh
04Dec10 hhhs
11Dec17 shshh
18Dec24 hsssssh
25Dec31 shhhhs
01Jan07 hss
08Jan14 sshhh
15Jan21 s
22Jan28 hss
29J/F04 hhs
05Feb11 hhsh
12Feb18 sshs
19Feb25 hh
Hello. My name is Ali Mostofi. For over 40 years I have been correlating and predicting the movement of stock markets, oil prices and sports, such as Premier League Football in the UK, to astrology and geomagnetic activity. The research is based on measuring the angles between planets, and the changes in geomagnetic activity. They are all explained in video reports at the end of the day.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Free Inner Planet Aspects for Stock and Currency Markets
Below you will see the aspects of the inner planets to the outer planets for the past week and next week. You can look at the absolute or the relative values and trends.
Date Aspect Order Soft Hard
22/11/2006 shssssh 5 2
23/11/2006 ssshss 5 1
24/11/2006 hhhss 2 3
25/11/2006 hhhhshhs 2 6
26/11/2006 hhshh 1 4
27/11/2006 hsshhshsshhhs 6 7
28/11/2006 ssssshsss 8 1
29/11/2006 hhsh 1 3
30/11/2006 shhshh 2 4
01/12/2006 sshsshhh 4 4
02/12/2006 ssssshshh 6 3
03/12/2006 shsshhhh 3 5
04/12/2006 hsshhshh 3 5
05/12/2006 shsssshhhssssss 11 4
This method gives you a more near term perspective, as opposed to an hour by hour view. Very useful for those people who are not day traders. Again see if this data helps you in any way and get in touch with me to purchase this info for future days.
Date Aspect Order Soft Hard
22/11/2006 shssssh 5 2
23/11/2006 ssshss 5 1
24/11/2006 hhhss 2 3
25/11/2006 hhhhshhs 2 6
26/11/2006 hhshh 1 4
27/11/2006 hsshhshsshhhs 6 7
28/11/2006 ssssshsss 8 1
29/11/2006 hhsh 1 3
30/11/2006 shhshh 2 4
01/12/2006 sshsshhh 4 4
02/12/2006 ssssshshh 6 3
03/12/2006 shsshhhh 3 5
04/12/2006 hsshhshh 3 5
05/12/2006 shsssshhhssssss 11 4
This method gives you a more near term perspective, as opposed to an hour by hour view. Very useful for those people who are not day traders. Again see if this data helps you in any way and get in touch with me to purchase this info for future days.
Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 29 Nov 06
Hard focus in PM US puts pressure on markets.
All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)
00-01 h
01-02 g
02-03 shss
03-04 hs
04-05 hs
05-06 ssshhs <= soft focus
06-07 hhh <= hard focus
07-08 hshss
08-09 ss
09-10 sh
10-11 g
11-12 h
12-13 sss <= soft focus
13-14 hs
14-15 sh
15-16 shhsshsh
16-17 hh
17-18 g
18-19 hhsh <= hard focus
19-20 h
20-21 h
21-22 shh
22-23 s
23-24 s
This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me from the link on this site. There are both daily and weekly reports. You can ask me questions for free on Wednesdays.
All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)
00-01 h
01-02 g
02-03 shss
03-04 hs
04-05 hs
05-06 ssshhs <= soft focus
06-07 hhh <= hard focus
07-08 hshss
08-09 ss
09-10 sh
10-11 g
11-12 h
12-13 sss <= soft focus
13-14 hs
14-15 sh
15-16 shhsshsh
16-17 hh
17-18 g
18-19 hhsh <= hard focus
19-20 h
20-21 h
21-22 shh
22-23 s
23-24 s
This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me from the link on this site. There are both daily and weekly reports. You can ask me questions for free on Wednesdays.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 22 Nov 06
Not much going on, with the US having some softs at the start, and then a focus of hards that will bring it down, or make it hard to go up at least. Lots of gaps mean no impetus.
All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)
00-01 sss <= soft focus
01-02 s
02-03 ss
03-04 shs
04-05 g
05-06 g
06-07 hh
07-08 g
08-09 ssh
09-10 s
10-11 h
11-12 sshs
12-13 s
13-14 ss
14-15 ss
15-16 shs
16-17 shhh <= hard focus
17-18 g
18-19 hs
19-20 hs
20-21 g
21-22 sh
22-23 hhs
23-24 h
This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me from the link on this site. There are both daily and weekly reports. You can ask me questions for free on Wednesdays.
All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)
00-01 sss <= soft focus
01-02 s
02-03 ss
03-04 shs
04-05 g
05-06 g
06-07 hh
07-08 g
08-09 ssh
09-10 s
10-11 h
11-12 sshs
12-13 s
13-14 ss
14-15 ss
15-16 shs
16-17 shhh <= hard focus
17-18 g
18-19 hs
19-20 hs
20-21 g
21-22 sh
22-23 hhs
23-24 h
This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me from the link on this site. There are both daily and weekly reports. You can ask me questions for free on Wednesdays.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 15 Nov 06
Big swings in the US with the hard and soft combinations, even though the hards have it, and the market will find it easier to go down.
All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)
00-01 h
01-02 hh
02-03 h
03-04 g
04-05 shh
05-06 ssh
06-07 shs
07-08 h
08-09 ss
09-10 h
10-11 hhshhh <= hard focus
11-12 hhs
12-13 ssh
13-14 sss <= soft focus
14-15 shhh <= hard focus
15-16 sss <= soft focus
16-17 sh
17-18 hhh <= hard focus
18-19 shhs
19-20 g
20-21 hs
21-22 hh
22-23 ssss <= soft focus
23-24 g
This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me from the link on this site. There are both daily and weekly reports. You can ask me questions for free on Wednesdays.
All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)
00-01 h
01-02 hh
02-03 h
03-04 g
04-05 shh
05-06 ssh
06-07 shs
07-08 h
08-09 ss
09-10 h
10-11 hhshhh <= hard focus
11-12 hhs
12-13 ssh
13-14 sss <= soft focus
14-15 shhh <= hard focus
15-16 sss <= soft focus
16-17 sh
17-18 hhh <= hard focus
18-19 shhs
19-20 g
20-21 hs
21-22 hh
22-23 ssss <= soft focus
23-24 g
This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me from the link on this site. There are both daily and weekly reports. You can ask me questions for free on Wednesdays.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Mars and the Stock Market from Aug to Dec 2006
I used to promptly post the movement of Mars as it changed signs. Anyway had a bit of time on my hands this week-end, and thought of putting some info on the web.
A lot of Astrologers look at the aspects Mars makes to all the planets and stellar entities that are moving more slowly than Mars. Below is the count of the number of hard and soft aspects per week since August when it was in Virgo, until the end of 2006 when it will still be in Sagittarius.
What is important is the comparison of the number of hards to softs per week, and how it is changing over a month or so. Sometimes the number of softs far exceeded the hards and the stock markets did quite well. The opposite is also true. But there needs to be a big difference for it to correlate.
24jul30 shssssh 5s 2h Mars in Vir
31jul/aug6 sshhhsshshhsh 6s 7h
7aug13 hssshhhsshshh 6s 7h
14aug20 hsssshshshshh 7s 6h
21aug27 hhhhsh 1s 5h
28aug/sep3 shssshsshhhhhh 6s 8h
4sep10 hshshshhsh 4s 6h Mars in Lib
11sep17 shhshhshhh 3s 7h
18sep24 ssshhhhsh 4s 5h
25sep/oct1 shshshshssshh 7s 6h
2oct8 hsssshhssshs 8s 4h
9oct15 hshshhhssh 4s 6h
16oct22 hshhhsshssss 7s 5h
23oct29 shshhhsssh 5s 5h Mars in Sco
30oct/nov4 hsssshhhh 4s 5h
6nov12 shssshshs 6s 2h
13nov19 hshhhhssshhh 4s 8h
20nov26 hsshshsh 4s 4h
27nov/dec3 shhshhshshshhhh 5s 10h
4dec10 hhshshhssh 4s 6h Mars in Sag
11dec17 shhhhsshssshhs 7s 7h
18dec24 hhshhshssss 6s 5h
25dec31 shhshhss 4s 4h
You can see that we have a big divergence, that has not been seen for a while coming in the week starting 13 and even more on 27 Nov with loads of hards. Expect the stock markets to find it a lot easier to go down in those times.
If you are interested in this form of analysis, then first let's see if the prediction comes right, and then you can purchase from me the ones for next year. But I want you to see the weaknesses and strengths of this form of analysis first before you part with your money.
A lot of Astrologers look at the aspects Mars makes to all the planets and stellar entities that are moving more slowly than Mars. Below is the count of the number of hard and soft aspects per week since August when it was in Virgo, until the end of 2006 when it will still be in Sagittarius.
What is important is the comparison of the number of hards to softs per week, and how it is changing over a month or so. Sometimes the number of softs far exceeded the hards and the stock markets did quite well. The opposite is also true. But there needs to be a big difference for it to correlate.
24jul30 shssssh 5s 2h Mars in Vir
31jul/aug6 sshhhsshshhsh 6s 7h
7aug13 hssshhhsshshh 6s 7h
14aug20 hsssshshshshh 7s 6h
21aug27 hhhhsh 1s 5h
28aug/sep3 shssshsshhhhhh 6s 8h
4sep10 hshshshhsh 4s 6h Mars in Lib
11sep17 shhshhshhh 3s 7h
18sep24 ssshhhhsh 4s 5h
25sep/oct1 shshshshssshh 7s 6h
2oct8 hsssshhssshs 8s 4h
9oct15 hshshhhssh 4s 6h
16oct22 hshhhsshssss 7s 5h
23oct29 shshhhsssh 5s 5h Mars in Sco
30oct/nov4 hsssshhhh 4s 5h
6nov12 shssshshs 6s 2h
13nov19 hshhhhssshhh 4s 8h
20nov26 hsshshsh 4s 4h
27nov/dec3 shhshhshshshhhh 5s 10h
4dec10 hhshshhssh 4s 6h Mars in Sag
11dec17 shhhhsshssshhs 7s 7h
18dec24 hhshhshssss 6s 5h
25dec31 shhshhss 4s 4h
You can see that we have a big divergence, that has not been seen for a while coming in the week starting 13 and even more on 27 Nov with loads of hards. Expect the stock markets to find it a lot easier to go down in those times.
If you are interested in this form of analysis, then first let's see if the prediction comes right, and then you can purchase from me the ones for next year. But I want you to see the weaknesses and strengths of this form of analysis first before you part with your money.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 08 Nov 06
More soft focus will raise the US markets.
All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)
00-01 s
01-02 h
02-03 hs
03-04 hs
04-05 g
05-06 hs
06-07 sshsh
07-08 ss
08-09 hhh <= hard focus
09-10 sss <= soft focus
10-11 ss
11-12 sh
12-13 h
13-14 hsh
14-15 sh
15-16 h
16-17 sss <= soft focus
17-18 hhss
18-19 sss <= soft focus
19-20 sh
20-21 g
21-22 s
22-23 hhh <= hard focus
23-24 ssh
This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me from the link on this site. There are both daily and weekly reports. You can ask me questions for free on Wednesdays.
All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)
00-01 s
01-02 h
02-03 hs
03-04 hs
04-05 g
05-06 hs
06-07 sshsh
07-08 ss
08-09 hhh <= hard focus
09-10 sss <= soft focus
10-11 ss
11-12 sh
12-13 h
13-14 hsh
14-15 sh
15-16 h
16-17 sss <= soft focus
17-18 hhss
18-19 sss <= soft focus
19-20 sh
20-21 g
21-22 s
22-23 hhh <= hard focus
23-24 ssh
This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me from the link on this site. There are both daily and weekly reports. You can ask me questions for free on Wednesdays.
Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 81 Nov 06
More soft focus will raise the US markets.
All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)
00-01 s
01-02 h
02-03 hs
03-04 hs
04-05 g
05-06 hs
06-07 sshsh
07-08 ss
08-09 hhh <= hard focus
09-10 sss <= soft focus
10-11 ss
11-12 sh
12-13 h
13-14 hsh
14-15 sh
15-16 h
16-17 sss <= soft focus
17-18 hhss
18-19 sss <= soft focus
19-20 sh
20-21 g
21-22 s
22-23 hhh <= hard focus
23-24 ssh
This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me from the link on this site. There are both daily and weekly reports. You can ask me questions for free on Wednesdays.
All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)
00-01 s
01-02 h
02-03 hs
03-04 hs
04-05 g
05-06 hs
06-07 sshsh
07-08 ss
08-09 hhh <= hard focus
09-10 sss <= soft focus
10-11 ss
11-12 sh
12-13 h
13-14 hsh
14-15 sh
15-16 h
16-17 sss <= soft focus
17-18 hhss
18-19 sss <= soft focus
19-20 sh
20-21 g
21-22 s
22-23 hhh <= hard focus
23-24 ssh
This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me from the link on this site. There are both daily and weekly reports. You can ask me questions for free on Wednesdays.
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