Monday, November 13, 2006

Mars and the Stock Market from Aug to Dec 2006

I used to promptly post the movement of Mars as it changed signs. Anyway had a bit of time on my hands this week-end, and thought of putting some info on the web.

A lot of Astrologers look at the aspects Mars makes to all the planets and stellar entities that are moving more slowly than Mars. Below is the count of the number of hard and soft aspects per week since August when it was in Virgo, until the end of 2006 when it will still be in Sagittarius.

What is important is the comparison of the number of hards to softs per week, and how it is changing over a month or so. Sometimes the number of softs far exceeded the hards and the stock markets did quite well. The opposite is also true. But there needs to be a big difference for it to correlate.

24jul30 shssssh 5s 2h Mars in Vir
31jul/aug6 sshhhsshshhsh 6s 7h
7aug13 hssshhhsshshh 6s 7h
14aug20 hsssshshshshh 7s 6h
21aug27 hhhhsh 1s 5h
28aug/sep3 shssshsshhhhhh 6s 8h
4sep10 hshshshhsh 4s 6h Mars in Lib
11sep17 shhshhshhh 3s 7h
18sep24 ssshhhhsh 4s 5h
25sep/oct1 shshshshssshh 7s 6h
2oct8 hsssshhssshs 8s 4h
9oct15 hshshhhssh 4s 6h
16oct22 hshhhsshssss 7s 5h
23oct29 shshhhsssh 5s 5h Mars in Sco
30oct/nov4 hsssshhhh 4s 5h
6nov12 shssshshs 6s 2h
13nov19 hshhhhssshhh 4s 8h
20nov26 hsshshsh 4s 4h
27nov/dec3 shhshhshshshhhh 5s 10h
4dec10 hhshshhssh 4s 6h Mars in Sag
11dec17 shhhhsshssshhs 7s 7h
18dec24 hhshhshssss 6s 5h
25dec31 shhshhss 4s 4h

You can see that we have a big divergence, that has not been seen for a while coming in the week starting 13 and even more on 27 Nov with loads of hards. Expect the stock markets to find it a lot easier to go down in those times.

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