Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Medium speed stellar entities for Oct-Dec '06

Medium speed stellar entities for Mars and the four Asteroids' weekly hard and soft aspects.

Week Hard Soft
2-8 Oct 8 13
9-15 12 7
16-22 10 13
23-29 14 12
30-5 Nov10 8
6-12 5 10
13-19 16 9
20-26 8 11
27-3 Dec15 9
4-10 10 9
11-17 12 14
18-24 15 12
25-31 7 10

Now take a look at the stock markets and you will see that the markets rose as the softer aspects became more. Next week I will show the short term stellar entities, such as Sun, Mercury and Venus.

To summarise then, last week you saw the longer term stellar entities from Jupiter to Poseidon. They showed a rise. This week you can see the particular weeks that superimposed those aspects. Next week you will see the days in the weeks. And the following week you will see how it works from one hour to the next.

Get in touch with me if you need help in finding these results. I charge for any consultation.

Review of 17-21 February 2024 Citystats Stock Market and Oil Astrology.

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