Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 28 Feb 07

Nearly all completely hard focus aspects. So more down moves, with a respite at 18-19 GMT. Also notice how oil has gone up as we get closer to the softer aspects to Neptune (click on the Neptune link).

All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)

00-01 hhs <= hard focus
01-02 ss
02-03 h
03-04 hsh <= hard focus
04-05 s
05-06 g
06-07 h
07-08 s
08-09 s
09-10 hshh <= hard focus
10-11 hh <= hard focus
11-12 hhhs <= hard focus
12-13 hs
13-14 s
14-15 hhs <= hard focus
15-16 hs
16-17 hs
17-18 g
18-19 ss <= soft focus
19-20 g
20-21 sh
21-22 sh
22-23 hs
23-24 h

So remember, that when we have at least a couple of the same aspects in sequence then we have the correct conditions for a correlation. It is rare to get more than four hard or four soft aspects per hour. There usually is of the other imbetween. But you need to know what kind of aspects they are and how powerful they are.

This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me on aliwhoATgmailDOTcom, with "question for ali" in the subject line.

Look at the effect of the hard aspects around 10-11 GMT, that 6a-7a on the chart above . You would think with such a fall in the markets yesterday people would be in there snapping up bargains. Well there just were not enough soft aspects to make people too excited, even tough the markets did rise as we got away from hard aspects and went towards soft aspects at 18-19 GMT. Having said that the hard aspects were not that strong, and we had gaps that made for flat trading. Gaps usually set the stage for low volatility, which I should have mentioned.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Mercury to Asteriods aspects to slower planets from 21 Feb to 6 Mar 07

Above is the chart for the Dow from 12-27 Feb '07. You can see why the markets fell. Below are the hard soft aspects for Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars and the Asteroids to the slower planets for that period and next week.


You can see that the general aspects are hard for this week and next. So if you can create the hourly report like the free one I just did, then you will have all the info to be able to correlate very well.

Not bad, the hards brought the markets down especially with the 11 hards and 3 softs.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 21 Feb 2007

Unlike all the recent reports, below is a report that I published consistently for many years for free here on Wednesdays. You can see how much more detail there is per hour, when you include the aspects of the Moon as well. Even here I have not written the exact times. So at the end of the day you need to be able to read an aspectarian.

All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)

00-01 s
01-02 h
02-03 hhshh <= hard focus
03-04 sss <= soft focus
04-05 hshhs <= hard focus
05-06 sh
06-07 shs
07-08 h
08-09 hshs
09-10 hhsh <= hard focus
10-11 h
11-12 s
12-13 hh
13-14 ss
14-15 h
15-16 hsh
16-17 shsh
17-18 sshs
18-19 h
19-20 hs
20-21 hhs
21-22 ss
22-23 s
23-24 hhshss

So remember, that when we have at least a couple of the same aspects in sequence then we have the correct conditions for a correlation. It is rare to get more than four hard or four soft aspects per hour. There usually is of the other imbetween. But you need to know what kind of aspects they are and how powerful they are.

This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me on aliwhoATgmailDOTcom, with "question for ali" in the subject line.

Ok now look at the chart below:

See for yourselves. Fact, that the markets, as shown by as good as a global index can get that trades all the time, namely E-Mini. With the harder aspects in Asian trading the markets were pressured. You should be able to see the other correlations. Remember the 6 hour difference with the chart.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Asteroids vs Dow Jones for 31 Jan to 20 Feb 2007

Above is the chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from Wednesday 31 Jan 2007 until Tuesday 12 February 2007. Below are the number of hard and soft aspects of the Sun and the Planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, and four Asteroids Chiron, Vesta, Pallas, and Juno, for the same period and next week. Ignore the dots, that's just to space it all out.


So what can we expect? As you can see from the chart the flat period correlates somewhat closely with the aspects. The reason that it is not much better is that the aspects take place at an exact time. So not all the aspects are there when US is trading. Also I have not included the Moon's aspects. However one should see the large differences being reflected. And the hard aspects are greater apart from just one day in the days coming along.

If you want a more detailed report, contact me for pricing. Be sure to put "Question for Ali" in the subject field when you send it to aliwhoATgmailDOTcom.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mercury to Mars vs slower moving stellar entities from 24 Jan to 13 Feb 07

Below are the aspects Mercury, Venus, Sun, and Mars are making to the slower stellar entities from last weeks to next week. This search did not include Asteroids. You can see how the softer tone has kept the market buoyed.

Date Hard Soft
24/01/2007 Wednesday3 5
25/01/2007 Thursday3 3
26/01/2007 Friday 3 6
29/01/2007 Monday 5 1
30/01/2007 Tuesday 7 8
31/01/2007 Wednesday5 2
01/02/2007 Thursday5 6
02/02/2007 Friday 3 4
05/02/2007 Monday 6 5
06/02/2007 Tuesday 6 4
07/02/2007 Wednesday3 3
08/02/2007 Thursday4 5
09/02/2007 Friday 6 7
12/02/2007 Monday 5 4
13/02/2007 Tuesday 1 5

And the future looks bright without there being an extraordinary set of hard aspects more than soft ones for the next week. Now remember that if you include the Moon's aspects, you can get the hourly aspects, that are indispensable for a day trader.

Anymore info on this can be purchased. Click this email link so that your email does not get missed.

Aspects to Neptune from Jan to Apr 07

Aspects to Neptune tend to correlate well with idealism in current affairs, and oil or commodities in markets. Look at the table below. The first digit after the date is the number of hard aspects, and the second digit is the number of soft aspects. You can see how the oil price has drifted down then recently up as the tendency has been, albeit in this very low aspected time of year.

Week Hard Soft
01/01/2007 1 2
08/01/2007 3 2
15/01/2007 0 1
22/01/2007 1 3
29/01/2007 2 2
05/02/2007 3 1
12/02/2007 1 1
19/02/2007 2 0
26/02/2007 1 0
05/03/2007 0 1
12/03/2007 1 3
19/03/2007 2 0
26/03/2007 1 0
02/04/2007 1 0
09/04/2007 2 3
16/04/2007 2 3
23/04/2007 3 2

Looking ahead in February and March the aspects are a bit harder apart from the second week in March. In April the difference is not that obvious, even though there are more aspects.

So how does this translate into real life, meaningful events. Well expect all the favours that the idealists are getting, and the rise of oil to diminish with the harder aspects. Actually confusion is a key element to Neptune's idealism, and didn't France's JC confuse so many. So no more pulling the wool over people's eyes, as it were. Harder aspects to Neptune tend to stop all the BS.

Review of 17-21 February 2024 Citystats Stock Market and Oil Astrology.

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