Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Aspects to Neptune from Jan to Apr 07

Aspects to Neptune tend to correlate well with idealism in current affairs, and oil or commodities in markets. Look at the table below. The first digit after the date is the number of hard aspects, and the second digit is the number of soft aspects. You can see how the oil price has drifted down then recently up as the tendency has been, albeit in this very low aspected time of year.

Week Hard Soft
01/01/2007 1 2
08/01/2007 3 2
15/01/2007 0 1
22/01/2007 1 3
29/01/2007 2 2
05/02/2007 3 1
12/02/2007 1 1
19/02/2007 2 0
26/02/2007 1 0
05/03/2007 0 1
12/03/2007 1 3
19/03/2007 2 0
26/03/2007 1 0
02/04/2007 1 0
09/04/2007 2 3
16/04/2007 2 3
23/04/2007 3 2

Looking ahead in February and March the aspects are a bit harder apart from the second week in March. In April the difference is not that obvious, even though there are more aspects.

So how does this translate into real life, meaningful events. Well expect all the favours that the idealists are getting, and the rise of oil to diminish with the harder aspects. Actually confusion is a key element to Neptune's idealism, and didn't France's JC confuse so many. So no more pulling the wool over people's eyes, as it were. Harder aspects to Neptune tend to stop all the BS.

Review of 17-21 February 2024 Citystats Stock Market and Oil Astrology.

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