Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 28 Mar 07

Quite a mixed day, with alternating focii of soft, hard and soft focus periods. US starts off up with soft focus, goes quiet with the gap in aspects (g), and is mildly hard aspected to the close.

All times are GMT not BST (US opens at 13:30 and closes at 20:15)

00-01 ss <= soft focus
01-02 h
02-03 hss <= soft focus
03-04 hshss
04-05 g
05-06 g
06-07 hhs <= hard focus
07-08 s
08-09 hhsh <= hard focus
09-10 g
10-11 s
11-12 h
12-13 sss <= soft focus
13-14 shss <= soft focus
14-15 g
15-16 g
16-17 sh
17-18 hs
18-19 hshs
19-20 sh
20-21 hs
21-22 h
22-23 hshs
23-24 hh

So remember, that when we have at least a couple of the same aspects in sequence then we have the correct conditions for a correlation. It is rare to get more than four hard or four soft aspects per hour. There usually is of the other imbetween. But you need to know what kind of aspects they are and how powerful they are.

This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me on aliwhoATgmailDOTcom, with "question for ali" in the subject line.

And below is a chart that many of you probably have not seen, but is a very good global index. It is the BBC 30. And this is what the world's top 30 companies did.

We have very bad correlation at the point when there were soft aspects between 12-14 hrs GMT, just when the US market opened, and could not counter Fed's comments. Or maybe the rise after the fall was the soft aspects' effect? Or this could be just part of the belated reaction that the US market has had, as the rest of the world markets and futures had fallen. But as the rest of the US trading day did not have strong aspects, it is hard to say one way or the other whether the correlations were good or bad. Or perhaps the comment about the markets falling to mildly hard aspects was right?

Again this only shows that this method is not perfect, and one has to know the conditions in which it is working. Those conditions are when the market is not being over sensitive to Fed comments, such that it stops trading, or when the aspects are low. But then when the aspects are low the markets will be tepid.

Planetary aspects for 14 Mar- 3 Apr 2007

Below are the aspects of the Planets for each day, and their net difference. So there are no Moon aspects. Note how last Wednesday we had a lot of hard aspects, but the US market went up instead. That is what the Fed intervention can do. I was on holiday. But usually we take the Fed intervention days seriously and try to forewarn. Now look at the way the markets have eased by very nicely with the recent hard aspects. And on Thursday we have a good hard aspect day. Is there a Fed around then to manipulate the market? Sorry about the dots, it is my way of making columns.

14/03/2007 Wednesday.......14......8.......-6
15/03/2007 Thursday...........6.......8........2
16/03/2007 Friday................5.......6........1
19/03/2007 Monday.............6.......4.......-2
20/03/2007 Tuesday............7.......4.......-3
21/03/2007 Wednesday........7......1.......-6
22/03/2007 Thursday..........6......6.......0
23/03/2007 Friday...............8........7.......-1
26/03/2007 Monday............7........5.......-2
27/03/2007 Tuesday............6.......2.......-4
28/03/2007 Wednesday........6......8........2
29/03/2007 Thursday..........10.....5......-5
30/03/2007 Friday...............5........3.......-2
02/04/2007 Monday............6........10.......4
03/04/2007 Tuesday...........8........2.......-6

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 14 Mar 07

A lot of hard aspects will drop the markets today, with little times of soft focus to slow the drop. Now it seems rather like this pattern has all the hallmarks of capitulation. The US has a fresh down wave happening after EU closes.

All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)

00-01 ss
01-02 hhhss <= hard focus
02-03 hhs <= hard focus
03-04 h
04-05 hh <= hard focus
05-06 shh <= hard focus
06-07 hh < hard focus
07-08 hsh
08-09 h
09-10 shs
10-11 hsshsh
11-12 hs
12-13 shh
13-14 ss <= soft focus
14-15 h
15-16 shshssh
16-17 s
17-18 hhh <= hard focus
18-19 shh <= hard focus
19-20 h
20-21 hsssh <= soft focus
21-22 g
22-23 sh
23-24 shhs

So remember, that when we have at least a couple of the same aspects in sequence then we have the correct conditions for a correlation. It is rare to get more than four hard or four soft aspects per hour. There usually is of the other imbetween. But you need to know what kind of aspects they are and how powerful they are.

This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me on aliwhoATgmailDOTcom, with "question for ali" in the subject line.

Free Market Astrology Planetary Aspects from 7-20 Mar 07

Below are the aspects of the Planets, not the Moon from Wednesday 7th March to next Tuesday 20th. What I have done is simply count the number of hards, softs and shown the net difference.


As you can see, we did get a bit of a rally near the end of last week, and then the market went down today Tuesday. Tomorrow has a lot of hard aspects. Tie that in with the hourly aspects shown in the next message, and your timing will be spot on, as you see more downs next week.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 7 March 07

We have moments of soft aspects in Asia, but there are a couple of hard focused times in EU and US trading. Look at the Planetary table for the rest of the week in the earlier post, and create a similar table as this to know what the aspects are doing all the time.

All times are GMT (US opens at 14:30 and closes at 21:15)

00-01 h
01-02 ss
02-03 ss
03-04 hhss
04-05 hs
05-06 h
06-07 ss
07-08 g
08-09 hhs
09-10 hhh <= hard focus
10-11 sh
11-12 ss
12-13 h
13-14 shs
14-15 s
15-16 s
16-17 s
17-18 ss
18-19 hh <= hard focus
19-20 h
20-21 h
21-22 hh
22-23 sh
23-24 s

So remember, that when we have at least a couple of the same aspects in sequence then we have the correct conditions for a correlation. It is rare to get more than four hard or four soft aspects per hour. There usually is of the other imbetween. But you need to know what kind of aspects they are and how powerful they are.

This report is a gross simplification of an aspectarian. I teach people how to read an aspectarian after seeing this simplification. To subscribe please go to the main site or email me on aliwhoATgmailDOTcom, with "question for ali" in the subject line.

And below is what the market actually did

The hard aspects in Asian and EU trading did keep their markets down. Later the softs in US trading took the markets up, and then stalled with the hard aspects, and accelerated with the stronger hard aspects near US close.

Planetary aspects for 28 Feb-13 Mar 2007

Below are the planetary aspect counts for hard and soft aspects, and the net change.



You can see how the hard aspects dropped the world markets, and with the softer aspects this week, they should rise. But remember to use them in conjunction with the hourly aspects, like the free one shown in the next post.

Below is the chart of the period from Friday to Wednesday.

Friday's drop can be clearly seen. A combination of both the hourly hard aspects and daily planetary hard aspects creating a focus. Then on Monday the softer planetary aspects stopped the slide. But the combination was at work near US close on Wednesday.

So like all techiniques there are optimum conditions for it to work well. It is not full proof by any means. You need to know the aspects well, and be able to read an aspectarian. But I hope that this simplification will inspire you. It is the best I can do at the moment to spread the knowledge.

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