Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Planetary aspects for 28 Feb-13 Mar 2007

Below are the planetary aspect counts for hard and soft aspects, and the net change.



You can see how the hard aspects dropped the world markets, and with the softer aspects this week, they should rise. But remember to use them in conjunction with the hourly aspects, like the free one shown in the next post.

Below is the chart of the period from Friday to Wednesday.

Friday's drop can be clearly seen. A combination of both the hourly hard aspects and daily planetary hard aspects creating a focus. Then on Monday the softer planetary aspects stopped the slide. But the combination was at work near US close on Wednesday.

So like all techiniques there are optimum conditions for it to work well. It is not full proof by any means. You need to know the aspects well, and be able to read an aspectarian. But I hope that this simplification will inspire you. It is the best I can do at the moment to spread the knowledge.

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