Friday, April 16, 2010

Goldman Sachs Free Market Astrology: Sun to Mars for 16-17 April 2010

Sometimes you want a simple view of what the fast moving stellar entities are doing.  It is very a useful scan if you want to know what the background that is changing a lot, like the fast moving planets and Sun.  These are Mercury, Venus, Mars and Sun.

Sometimes you look at events, announcements, and you try to see if the stellar aspects will effect it.  Let's take the dive on Wall Street with regard to the Goldman Sachs.

Now put these two concepts together, and you get what many call Horary Astrology.  I am not strictly going by Horary rules here, but a lot of this applies.

So what is the bottom line.  Lots of D and d as you can see.  Obviously we need the lunar aspects, and all of the other exact aspects to have the complete picture, as you saw on Wednesday.

Review of 17-21 February 2024 Citystats Stock Market and Oil Astrology.

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