Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Astrology of the Stock Market: How it is done.

With the new look to the site, I thought it is best to be dead honest, as how all this is done. Above you see screen images of what I see on my desktop. The software used is called Winstar, and the module I use is called Matrix Search. I had tinkered with the software to generate my aspects, and my symbols. That is what no one else has done, as far as I know. That is what you pay for. That is the added value.

On the right you see your usual bog standard wheel, with the bog standard set of aspects, and planet set. It is ok for basic astrology, but it does not work on stock markets. You need more aspects, and more planets, to populate the timeline. Basically the markets are moving and the basic set of angles and planets are not enough

So what is the solution? It is really easy. So you get more angles to look at, and more bodies. I call them stellar entities, because they are not planets in the astronomical sense. Some are mathematical postulations. It really does not matter what you use. As long as it is consistent and independent, then you can extrapolate. And extrapolate I do, or you do.

Above is a dump of all the angles for all entities. It is a lot of data, and so I can only give today's I have not simplified it further like I usually. You will see big and small Us and Ds.

Review of 17-21 February 2024 Citystats Stock Market and Oil Astrology.

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