Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 4 October 2005

Pretend that the stock markets and the currency markets had not opened, and you had the table below, and an aspectarian. You should be able to see the aspects I was referring to, and you would be in a position to anticipate the markets potential moves. Let's look at the pattern for AM EU (7-11) first. You can see that we have a couple of hard aspects, then more soft aspects, then a mix and then a little more softs. So you would expect a little move down in Dax, then up, then mixed and then more up. And lone and behold the Dax did just that. Did the Euro do that? Yes, and the hards really did drop the Euro more, and the softs managed to stop the decline in a declining market. So here you can see how the aspects will markets in different manner depending what the prevailing longer trend is. Now let's look at PM EU or AM US (11-16). You can see we a little soft, and then mostly hard aspects. So one would expect a little rise, and then a fall. And the US markets did just that. And in the afternoon of US (16-20), was that a good correlation? Well here we see a lot of burst of focused sets. The first focused set is soft, and ordinarily one would expect big move up. Did that happpen? Not really, and not even for the hard aspects either. In fact the US market pretty much did nothing in the afternoon. Very strange. So as you can see it is not perfect by any means, and I am sure I could find some major stock news to explain the weird moves in the PM US. But that's where it is the market going wrong, more than the aspects. Why? Because as far a Life is concerned the potential was there, and it did not happen in the US, but it did happen in the rest of Life elsewhere. Astrological aspects always point out when the market is not behaving correctly.


00-01 hs
01-02 ss
02-03 sss
03-04 h
04-05 shs
05-06 hh
06-07 hh
07-08 hh
08-09 sss
09-10 shsh
10-11 ss
11-12 s
12-13 h
13-14 h
14-15 h
15-16 hs
16-17 ssss
17-18 hhh
18-19 g
19-20 hhs
20-21 hsh
21-22 h
22-23 sh
23-24 hh

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