Friday, September 30, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Friday 30 Sept 2005

If you look at the aspects in AM EU (7 to 11), you will see that there are more hard (h) aspects early on, and then a gap (g) in aspects, and then progressively more softs (s). So one would want to see the markets to go down, then flat and then higher. And if you look at the chart of the Dax, it did just that. Now look at the PM EU or AM US (11-16). Pretty low on the number of aspects, with the softs having a slight edge early on, and then the hards in high focus near Noon in US. So one would expect the markets to be more buoyant to begin with, and then to fall. And the Dow and the Nasdaq did exactly that in the morning. PM US (16-20), there are hards, but then we get a series of softs. So one would expect the markets to recover a bit with the softs and they did.


00-01 shh
01-02 s
02-03 g
03-04 ss
04-05 h
05-06 sshh
06-07 g
07-08 hh
08-09 shhss
09-10 g
10-11 ss
11-12 h
12-13 hss
13-14 g
14-15 s
15-16 hhhshh
16-17 g
17-18 hhhs
18-19 hhsss
19-20 h
20-21 hhss
21-22 hhh
22-23 sshss

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