Sunday, April 17, 2011

Market Astrology: Mercury Venus Sun 18-22 April 2011

Table of major aspects made by Mercury Venus and Sun

Compare this table with the one for last week (11-15 April 2011), and see what the difference are in the distribution of aspects. I have not changed any of the parameters apart from the date range. If you look at the Mars table you will see that it is still showing D. So the moments when we have Ds in this table, and the daily one, should be the most powerful for a D situation. 

Table of all major aspects

Above you will see the table of aspects for Monday (tomorrow) 18th April 2011. If you look at the table above that you can see that it shows a D for Monday.  In this table we can see the major aspects of the Moon, not all the aspects.  Again you can see moments in the day when there are a lot of Us and Ds.  Now, as I said last week, there are times when the Moon is making Us when all the other planets are making Ds.  As the other planets' aspects last longer, then you would expect the Moon's effect to be less.  So it will be like an uptrend in a major down wave.  You need to establish the long term trend correlations for the market you are looking at, and then make the adjustments. Remember stick to high volume products and times are all GMT. 

Review of 17-21 February 2024 Citystats Stock Market and Oil Astrology.

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