Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market report for Wed 14 Sept 2005

Below are the aspects for today. You should be able to find them, just like me, with a good aspectarian. Please note the gaps in aspects from 07 to 10. So no fireworks in that time. The hard aspects are more abundant most of the time. So it will de difficult to go up, and easier to go down.


00-01 hhshs
01-02 h
02-03 h
03-04 hshss
04-05 g
05-06 hshs
06-07 hhs
07-08 g
08-09 g
09-10 g
10-11 hhhhs
11-12 ss
12-13 hss
13-14 shh
14-15 hssh
15-16 hh
16-17 h
17-18 hs
18-19 hsh
19-20 hhhs
20-21 hsh
21-22 hss
22-23 hsh
23-24 ssss

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