Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 19 August 2005

There were more soft aspects, but most markets did not go up, whilst they found it hard to go down.


00-01 hh
01-02 hhss
02-03 ssh
03-04 sh
04-05 hhhs
05-06 h
06-07 hhh
07-08 sshs
08-09 hhs
09-10 hss
10-11 sshs
11-12 g
12-13 sssh
13-14 ss
14-15 ss
15-16 shhs
16-17 s
17-18 s
18-19 hss
19-20 g
20-21 shh
21-22 ssh
22-23 sshshsh
23-24 sshh