Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Astrology Report for Wed 23 Nov 05

Wednesdays are the days when I provide the report for free before the markets open. Get hold of an aspectarian, read my beginners report, and then see if you can spot the aspects I had written here in this very simplified format. Also use the Yahoo Instant Messenger to ask questions. You can use this info on any market or trading environment. I use it to understand shoppers' behaviour in a retail store as well. Anyway let's just look at the EU and the US markets for the sake of research. AM EU has a focus of soft aspects in the opening hour and then it will pull back with the hards. PM / AM US has a focus of softs at the around the US open, so a good boost to begin with. Then the hards follow, and the markets will pull back. PM US has less aspects, but they are more hard, so a gentle drop down in the markets to the close.


00-01 sh
01-02 sh
02-03 hhs
03-04 ss
04-05 shhs
05-06 ss
06-07 hss
07-08 s
08-09 hsss
09-10 h
10-11 shh
11-12 g
12-13 h
13-14 hss
14-15 ss
15-16 hh
16-17 shs
17-18 h
18-19 hs
19-20 g
20-21 h
21-22 s
22-23 hhh
23-24 sss

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