If you just looked at the number of soft (s) and hard (h) aspects for each hour (which in itself is a gross simplification), you would be able to see that for EU in the morning; there were a couple of soft aspects (ss) that were followed by a more mixed hour (hshs), then an hour with both focused hards (hh) and softs (ss), and the an hour with a focus of softs (ss). So you would think then that the markets should start with a tendency to go up, then be mixed, then have a sharp down and then up, and more up as Noon approached. Now let's look at reality. I am using Dax. Well we got the up, and then the mixed and the down, but it did not go back up, but rather consolidated. So one has to be carefull in one's expectations. Sometimes a focus of aspects needs to be a lot more than a couple of aspects, and the nature of each aspect has to be considered. That's were a detailed look at an aspectarian is necessary. I thought I would just give you a semi-detailed look at just 4 hours then. The detailed report would take a very long time. So to carry on in the simple format, PM EU / AM US (12-17) had more hard aspects that were not especially focused, and there were no soft aspects in focus, so you would expect the markets to be pressured down, and the result was that the US market was mildly pressured, which correlated well. PM US (17-21) had some hards at first and then more softs upward move after a move down. And it did just that, even though the move down was more than expected, considering the fact that there was no real focus of aspects. The only thought that comes to mind is the fact that it is the full moon and a lot of players do not look at all the various aspects like I do, and look at the simple aspect sets, which will highlight the full moon more.
00-01 hsh
01-02 g
02-03 hhshh
03-04 shh
04-05 hsssss
05-06 g
06-07 s
07-08 hhh
08-09 ss
09-10 hshs
10-11 hhss
11-12 ss
12-13 s
13-14 shhs
14-15 h
15-16 h
16-17 ssh
17-18 h
18-19 hs
19-20 hss
20-21 hsh
21-22 hs
22-23 hs
23-24 hssh
Hello. My name is Ali Mostofi. For over 40 years I have been correlating and predicting the movement of stock markets, oil prices and sports, such as Premier League Football in the UK, to astrology and geomagnetic activity. The research is based on measuring the angles between planets, and the changes in geomagnetic activity. They are all explained in video reports at the end of the day.
Review of 24-28 February 2024 Citystats Stock Market and Oil Astrology
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