Friday, November 18, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thurs 17 Nov 05

Early AM EU (08-12) had a focus of hard aspects, but there was a follow through on the opening for the Dax, so that did not correlate. PM EU/AM US (12-17) had more focus of hard aspects as well, but they managed to stop the market in the US to advance on the open. PM US (17-21) had a focus of soft aspects, and they powered the US stock markets up very nicely. Oh btw are you all keeping an eye on how well the hard aspects to Neptune are giving oil and the idealist a real sore head. W'hay!


00-01 hhh
01-02 h
02-03 hh
03-04 h
04-05 h
05-06 hhh
06-07 sh
07-08 hs
08-09 hhshs
09-10 hsh
10-11 g
11-12 s
12-13 hh
13-14 h
14-15 hh
15-16 s
16-17 sss
17-18 ssh
18-19 s
19-20 s
20-21 s
21-22 sss
22-23 g
23-24 g

Review of 17-21 February 2024 Citystats Stock Market and Oil Astrology.

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