Friday, December 30, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Fri 30 Dec 05

AM EU had more hard aspects than soft aspects, and both the Dax and the Euro fell. PM EU/AM US had less aspects, and there were moments when there were more soft aspects, and the Dax rose, but later the US markets coasted. PM US was not focused and it remained flat.


00-01 s
01-02 hs
02-03 hhs
03-04 ssh
04-05 hss
05-06 hh
06-07 h
07-08 s
08-09 shhs
09-10 sh
10-11 h
11-12 hsh
12-13 s
13-14 sh
14-15 s
15-16 h
16-17 hs
17-18 hs
18-19 s
19-20 h
20-21 g
21-22 h
22-23 g
23-24 ss

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thurs 29 Dec 05

AM EU started up but the hard aspects prevented a follow through in Dax, and the Euro fell as well. PM EU/AM was the same profile and the US market was pressured by the hard aspects. PM US was the same story and the US dollar fell. Both currencies reacting well to the hard aspects in their respective time zones.

00-01 ss
01-02 hs
02-03 hshshh
03-04 h
04-05 s
05-06 ss
06-07 sss
07-08 hhsh
08-09 ss
09-10 h
10-11 s
11-12 h
12-13 ssh
13-14 hsh
14-15 hh
15-16 hs
16-17 ss
17-18 s
18-19 hs
19-20 h
20-21 hs
21-22 hshs
22-23 s
23-24 hshhh

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 28 Dec 05

Here is the free report for Wednesday. You should be able to find the aspects in any good aspectarian, if you use the same aspects I use, as described in the beginners page. Feel free to ask me questions on Wednesdays for free, via Instant Messenger. Please donate to chat at any other time.

AM EU has a focus of soft aspects, that should make it easy for the markets to go up, and difficult to go down. PM EU/AM US starts off with hard aspect, and then soft aspect and then less active and more mixed with no aspects in focus. PM US has more soft aspects in focus and should be well buoyed.


00-01 hh
01-02 hhs
02-03 hh
03-04 h
04-05 hh
05-06 hhs
06-07 s
07-08 g
08-09 g
09-10 s
10-11 ssss
11-12 hs
12-13 hs
13-14 h
14-15 g
15-16 s
16-17 hshs
17-18 sh
18-19 h
19-20 ssss
20-21 s
21-22 hhsssh
22-23 s
23-24 h

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 27 Dec 05

Soft aspect at the start of AM EU, helped to raise the Dax, then the hard aspects kept it flat, and the market rose in the gap after the hard, and remained flat with the mixed aspects before Noon. PM EU/AM US had more soft aspects in focus, that kept the US market up for a while, until the hard aspects later on dragged the markets down. PM US had more hard aspects, and the market was kept down. Now remember the slower moving background planets' aspects. If they are predominantely hard, the short term hard aspects will accentuate them. If you have questions then have an Instant Chat session for free with me on Wednesdays, especially with the free report. Otherwise buy some time with me by making a donation at any other time.


00-01 sss
01-02 sssshs
02-03 hh
03-04 sh
04-05 hh
05-06 hs
06-07 s
07-08 hsh
08-09 s
09-10 h
10-11 g
11-12 hshs
12-13 hsshss
13-14 ss
14-15 ss
15-16 h
16-17 h
17-18 hhh
18-19 h
19-20 h
20-21 h
21-22 sss
22-23 hsh
23-24 hss

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Fri 23 Dec 05

Softs then more hards in AM EU, rose then dropped the Dax. PM EU/AM US had more softs at first which rose the US markets at first, then pulled back as the softs receded, and stayed down with the hard aspects near Noon. PM US had some focused moments, but I guess with the Christian holidays it did not produce the large gyrations, even though the moves did occur at the right times.


00-01 hhhs
01-02 sh
02-03 sh
03-04 sh
04-05 hssh
05-06 ss
06-07 h
07-08 g
08-09 s
09-10 hh
10-11 shsh
11-12 s
12-13 hss
13-14 sss
14-15 s
15-16 s
16-17 hhh
17-18 shs
18-19 sss
19-20 hhhh
20-21 s
21-22 ss
22-23 hss
23-24 ss

Friday, December 23, 2005

Asteroids and medium term signals for stocks and currencies

As you know I publish, at the end of every day for free, the results for the aspects of all the planets and moon, for all markets from 00:00 hours to 24:00 GMT. That's fine if you are a day trader; getting in and out from one hour to the next.

Short term traders look at the aspects of Sun, Mercury, and Venus for clues of background info from on day to the next. I have not bothered (too much possibility for typos) to publish them, as you should be able to get them yourself, once you have learned the method I use. It is not difficult.

Then I publish the aspects of Mars for the next sign it is in. That's fine for a short term to medium traders. And way back a few months ago, it was quite clear that we were all going to be stuck in a narrow band, after the early November rally, with the lack of a continuous aspects.

But there seems to be a void doesn't it? Sun Mercury and Venus do well on the day to day, but the aspect count is not really good enough on its own. Mars aspect count has been used since the time of Zoroaster, and human beings have been quite happy using that. But there is a void.

So I have decided to look at the four asteroids, and publish their aspects for free for the next month or sign - not quite sure which one. But I thought I should do it in the next few days; as I am off from my day job, and the Sun is approaching Ceres. Of course I have done this before, but there is something to be said about the results in research, when one does it for the public good. Let's hope it produces interesting results this time around.

Get in touch with me, by emailing aliwhoATyahooDOTcom with the word Asteroids in the subject line, so I will not delete your message by mistake, if you have anything to share, or put a message here.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thurs 22 Dec 05

Hards in focus in AM EU kept the Dax down. PM EU/AM US less aspects but still more hards, kept the Dow and Nasdaq down. PM US more softs at first, which brought the markets back up, until the harder aspects slowed it down.


00-01 shhs
01-02 hhhsh
02-03 shh
03-04 s
04-05 g
05-06 h
06-07 s
07-08 sss
08-09 hh
09-10 hshh
10-11 shh
11-12 hhh
12-13 ssh
13-14 g
14-15 s
15-16 hsh
16-17 s
17-18 sss
18-19 s
19-20 h
20-21 h
21-22 hs
22-23 hsh

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Wed 21 Dec 05

Below is the free report that is written every Wednesday. Look at the good focus of soft aspects in very early AM EU, which should raise the markets, and they should be able to sustain it, as there are no hard focus aspects. PM EU/ AM US has more hard aspects at first, which should make it difficult for the markets to go up, and easier to go down. PM US has focus of soft aspects, followed by hards, but then no aspects for a couple of hours, that will make it very quite. Happy Solstice Day.


00-01 h
01-02 shsh
02-03 ss
03-04 hshs
04-05 hs
05-06 shhs
06-07 g
07-08 sss
08-09 g
09-10 shs
10-11 shs
11-12 ssh
12-13 h
13-14 h
14-15 hs
15-16 ss
16-17 h
17-18 ssshh
18-19 g
19-20 g
20-21 s
21-22 hshh
22-23 s

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 20 Dec 05

A lot of soft aspects at the start and then harder in AM EU, rose the market from the down opening, and then remained flat. PM EU/AM US had a mixed set, and then hards, which dropped the markets, and then more softs that rose the markets. PM US had hards first and then softs, and the markets stopped rising, and then stopped falling. But I was hoping for a better rally at the end with all those softs.


00-01 hs
01-02 hh
02-03 hh
03-04 h
04-05 h
05-06 shh
06-07 h
07-08 g
08-09 sssss
09-10 hh
10-11 hs
11-12 hsh
12-13 g
13-14 sh
14-15 shs
15-16 sshh
16-17 sh
17-18 ssh
18-19 s
19-20 hhs
20-21 shssssh
21-22 g
22-23 hsh
23-24 g

Monday, December 19, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Mon 19 Dec 05

Hard aspects at first, then softer aspects by Noon EU; and the Dax dropped, then rose. PM EU/AM US was mixed but had more hard aspects; and the US markets remained flat, but pressured. PM US had little aspects, but markets fell with the hard aspect near the close. Oil dropped nicely, and harsh comments from idealists regarding music, as Moon opposed Neptune.


00-01 hhhh
01-02 h
02-03 ss
03-04 shh
04-05 hh
05-06 s
06-07 s
07-08 h
08-09 hs
09-10 hshs
10-11 s
11-12 s
12-13 h
13-14 hshsh
14-15 sh
15-16 hshh
16-17 s
17-18 g
18-19 s
19-20 h
20-21 ssh
21-22 sh
22-23 hh
23-24 s

Friday, December 16, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Fri 16 Dec 05

AM EU had some softs at first, that propelled the Dax up a lot more than expected, a little focus of hard aspects near Noon, that capped the rise. PM EU/AM US had a lot of soft aspects in focus, and the markets moved up. PM US had more hard aspects, and the markets fell.


00-01 sss
01-02 s
02-03 s
03-04 shh
04-05 ssh
05-06 hhh
06-07 g
07-08 sh
08-09 s
09-10 h
10-11 g
11-12 shh
12-13 hsh
13-14 sss
14-15 ss
15-16 s
16-17 hhs
17-18 ss
18-19 ssh
19-20 shh
20-21 sh
21-22 g
22-23 ssh
23-24 hs

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thurs 15 Dec 05

Just a little hard focus very early on in AM EU, and then little else, dropped the Dax, and then flat. PM EU/AM US had hards and softs in focus; so the US dropped then crawled out of it. PM US had both softs and hards in focus, and the market moved up and down with them, but there were more hard in focus, and it kept the markets down in general.


00-01 hs
01-02 ss
02-03 s
03-04 g
04-05 g
05-06 sh
06-07 hs
07-08 hhs
08-09 g
09-10 h
10-11 s
11-12 h
12-13 s
13-14 sh
14-15 hss
15-16 h
16-17 hss
17-18 hhshs
18-19 ss
19-20 hhh
20-21 h
21-22 hh
22-23 hh
23-24 s

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Wed 14 Dec 05

More hards in AM and PM EU should depress markets. And then in PM US there is a big gap in aspects, so it will be very boring, with a little rise at the very end. Try to stay awake. As I mentioned in the past, I use Wednesday to freely discuss the interpretations.


00-01 shs
01-02 s
02-03 s
03-04 hs
04-05 g
05-06 hs
06-07 hhs
07-08 g
08-09 hs
09-10 hhh
10-11 hs
11-12 hs
12-13 h
13-14 g
14-15 shhsh
15-16 h
16-17 shsh
17-18 h
18-19 g
19-20 g
20-21 s
21-22 h
22-23 s
23-24 sh

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 13 Dec 05

AM EU had a little more softs to begin with, then more hard aspects; so the Dax opened up a bit, but then fell with the hards. PM EU/AM US had the same profile, but due to the Fed announcement, nothing moved, but the Dax did move up and then pull back with the hards. PM US had more softs especially near the close; and the markets rallied.


00-01 s
01-02 h
02-03 sh
03-04 hs
04-05 hsshhs
05-06 shh
06-07 s
07-08 h
08-09 ss
09-10 hsshh
10-11 h
11-12 h
12-13 s
13-14 s
14-15 h
15-16 sh
16-17 shh
17-18 shss
18-19 ss
19-20 hhs
20-21 sss
21-22 shs
22-23 hh
23-24 s

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Mon 12 Dec 05

AM EU had a couple of hard aspects, then a couple of soft aspects, that paused the Dax after opening, and then rose it some more, but then dropped it when more hard aspects came until Noon. PM EU/AM US had a lot of hard aspects and in focus, so the US market struggled to stay up and fell. PM US had a lot of soft aspects and the markets went back up.


00-01 sh
01-02 hs
02-03 sh
03-04 g
04-05 hss
05-06 g
06-07 hss
07-08 hhssh
08-09 hss
09-10 hh
10-11 hhs
11-12 ss
12-13 h
13-14 h
14-15 hhh
15-16 g
16-17 hsssh
17-18 hh
18-19 sss
19-20 ss
20-21 ssh
21-22 g
22-23 ss
23-24 sh

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Fri 9 Dec 05

AM EU had mostly hard aspects, and the Dax was pressured. PM EU/AM US had more soft aspects, and US market was little more buoyant. PM US had more soft aspects, that rose the US market 0.6% from the low.


00-01 hhh
01-02 h
02-03 h
03-04 hs
04-05 shh
05-06 shh
06-07 h
07-08 hhshs
08-09 hhs
09-10 shh
10-11 sh
11-12 shh
12-13 s
13-14 hsh
14-15 s
15-16 s
16-17 s
17-18 hhs
18-19 ssh
19-20 sss
20-21 sh
21-22 hhsh
22-23 hss
23-24 s

Friday, December 09, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thurs 8 Dec 05

AM EU had just a bit of hard aspect focus near Noon, and the Dax remained down. PM EU/AM US did not have any focused aspects, and the only move was up, in the gap after the last hard aspect. PM US had a focus of hard aspects, that brought the US markets down very nicely 1.2%.


00-01 ssh
01-02 shhhh
02-03 g
03-04 g
04-05 hs
05-06 s
06-07 ssh
07-08 hshs
08-09 g
09-10 hs
10-11 hs
11-12 hh
12-13 shsh
13-14 hs
14-15 g
15-16 hs
16-17 g
17-18 ss
18-19 shhss
19-20 hhh
20-21 ss
21-22 hh
22-23 ssh
23-24 hhh

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Wed 07 Dec 05

AM EU has a focus of soft aspects at the start, that will take the markets up. But there are more hard aspects later, that will drop the markets much lower. PM EU/AM US has more hard aspects, so the markets will fall more easily. PM US has little amount of softs, but hards are greater near the end. Please note that you can ask me questions via my Yahoo Instant Messenger for free on Wednesdays.


00-01 ssh
01-02 g
02-03 hshs
03-04 hh
04-05 g
05-06 sss
06-07 h
07-08 sss
08-09 hh
09-10 hss
10-11 hhh
11-12 g
12-13 s
13-14 sh
14-15 h
15-16 hhs
16-17 hsh
17-18 sshs
18-19 sh
19-20 s
20-21 hhsh
21-22 s
22-23 hhhh
23-24 hshs

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 06 Dec 05

There were more hard aspects in AM EU, so the Dax, which did open up just 0.1%, remained confined to the opening levels with the hard aspects. PM EU/AM US had more hard aspects as well, and it too had a tough time trying to go up, after opening up. PM US had some soft aspects, but there were more hard aspects, and the market just could not hold the higher levels, and fell much more easily.


00-01 hhhs
01-02 h
02-03 s
03-04 ss
04-05 h
05-06 shhs
06-07 h
07-08 hs
08-09 s
09-10 shhs
10-11 h
11-12 hsh
12-13 ss
13-14 hh
14-15 g
15-16 hhsh
16-17 h
17-18 hh
18-19 shs
19-20 sshh
20-21 ss
21-22 shshhh
22-23 s
23-24 shs

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 05 Dec 05

As I have mentioned in my main website, when you get a certain number of aspects per hour, there is a focus. With an aspectarian you should be able to see the ones I am referring to in the periods below. Now let's look at how the markets moved with the aspects. I am going to concentrate on the EU and US markets, but you can use it in your life. The next time you notice ups and down during the day, come and read the end of the reports here, or better still look into an aspectarian. Soon enough you will learn to map out what the next day's aspects mean for you. One can be easily drawn to quantify and be very scientific about all this, but to me it more of a guide to home in intuitively and find out the type of mood it is at that moment. AM EU had as you can see hards to start with that were not focused, but the strong opening pulled back. Then the little focus of soft aspects took the markets up in the 09-10 period. Two hards in the 10-11 time period dropped the Dax down 0.2%. PM EU/ AM US was pretty thin on aspects to start with, and then near there were three hard aspects in 15-16 and 16-17 periods, and the US stock markets dropped a neat 1%. Nice correlation. PM US more hard aspects, which kept the lid on the US markets, and the US dollar got hit.


00-01 hhsshhh
01-02 ss
02-03 ss
03-04 ssh
04-05 s
05-06 s
06-07 s
07-08 sh
08-09 h
09-10 hss
10-11 hh
11-12 shsh
12-13 h
13-14 s
14-15 g
15-16 ssh
16-17 hhs
17-18 hshh
18-19 hhs
19-20 h
20-21 hss
21-22 g
22-23 hs
23-24 sh

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Fri 2 Dec 05

Just a couple of unfocused hard aspects followed by no aspects in AM EU, dropped the Dax at the start, and then it became boring. PM EU/AM US had a moment of soft aspects in focus that took the US markets up, and once that ran out, the markets fell. PM US had little focus if any, and the markets remained in tight ranges.


00-01 hss
01-02 g
02-03 shs
03-04 shs
04-05 h
05-06 hhs
06-07 s
07-08 hh
08-09 h
09-10 h
10-11 g
11-12 g
12-13 sh
13-14 hshh
14-15 s
15-16 hhsssh
16-17 s
17-18 hss
18-19 h
19-20 hs
20-21 sh
21-22 hh
22-23 ss
23-24 hhsh

Friday, December 02, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thurs 01 Dec 05

Gap and mostly hard kept the AM EU markets flat and down. PM EU/AM US were mostly hard aspects, and markets did not correlate and rose. PM US had little focus and was mixed, and the markets were boring and flat.


00-01 g
01-02 hs
02-03 sh
03-04 h
04-05 s
05-06 s
06-07 sh
07-08 ss
08-09 g
09-10 g
10-11 shs
11-12 hhhs
12-13 hh
13-14 sh
14-15 h
15-16 shhhs
16-17 hs
17-18 hs
18-19 s
19-20 g
20-21 shs
21-22 hshh
22-23 s
23-24 sh

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 30 Nov 05

Mostly hard aspects in AM EU, will mean that the markets will drop, but should recover near Noon. PM EU/AM US starts off with gyrations, and then eventually begins to gently rise. PM US will drop with the hards. Again folks remember this is an experiment, and I give this simplified summary of what I read from my aspectarian. Email me any questions today, as I will be away, but I will answer them in the evening for free. Send them to aliwhoATyahooDOTcom with "Question for Ali" in the subject line so I can tell that it is genuine. Good luck and have fun!


00-01 hss
01-02 h
02-03 sss
03-04 ssh
04-05 h
05-06 g
06-07 h
07-08 hhh
08-09 s
09-10 shh
10-11 h
11-12 ss
12-13 shhsh
13-14 sshh
14-15 hsh
15-16 ss
16-17 h
17-18 g
18-19 h
19-20 hh
20-21 sh
21-22 sssshs
22-23 h
23-24 hs

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 29 Nov 05

AM EU had a little more hard aspects at first, and then more softs later; so the Dax pulled back a bit, and then rose. PM EU/ AM US was harder at first and then a little softer; and so the US markets fell and then consolidated. PM US had little aspects, but had a focus of hard aspects at the end which dropped the US markets very nicely. Oh btw some of you might notice that you got two reports for today. The interesting bit was that the sequence of aspects was very similar to yesterday and we had the similar results.


00-01 h
01-02 hh
02-03 sh
03-04 hh
04-05 s
05-06 hshsss
06-07 ss
07-08 s
08-09 sshh
09-10 hs
10-11 hshss
11-12 h
12-13 hhsh
13-14 sh
14-15 ssh
15-16 h
16-17 g
17-18 shhs
18-19 g
19-20 g
20-21 hh
21-22 hs
22-23 g
23-24 s

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Mon 28 Nov 05

AM EU had few unfocused hard aspects, gaps, and then a focus of soft aspects. So one would expect the markets to be a little down and flat to begin with, and then to rise. Well the Dax opened up 1%, then came off a little but was essentially flat, and then rose. PM EU/ AM US had just a little more hard aspects, and the Dax and the US stock markets fell. PM US had some soft aspects in focus, but then there were more hard aspects in focus. So one would expect a little support, and then further falls. In fact the US markets did pause a bit, and then fell to their lowest level by the close.


00-01 g
01-02 hsh
02-03 hhs
03-04 hhhs
04-05 s
05-06 hsshhs
06-07 ss
07-08 sh
08-09 g
09-10 h
10-11 g
11-12 sss
12-13 shs
13-14 hs
14-15 s
15-16 hh
16-17 shh
17-18 ssshs
18-19 hh
19-20 g
20-21 hhhh
21-22 sh
22-23 sss
23-24 hhs

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Friday 25 Nov 05

AM EU has a few unfocused soft aspects, and then some hard aspects inear Noon, that rose the Dax and then fell back respectively. PM EU/AM US had more softs to start with then more hards, which meant the US market was buoyed for a while, and then it fell. PM US had more hards, and even though the stock market was closed, then US dollar fell.


00-01 hsshhh
01-02 hss
02-03 hh
03-04 g
04-05 s
05-06 ss
06-07 g
07-08 s
08-09 s
09-10 s
10-11 h
11-12 hsh
12-13 s
13-14 sshhs
14-15 h
15-16 hh
16-17 h
17-18 ssh
18-19 hhh
19-20 shs
20-21 hsh
21-22 s
22-23 s
23-24 shhh

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thurs 24 Nov 05

Quite a few hard aspects in AM EU, which dropped the Dax and the Euro. PM EU had mostly hards but there was a little focus of softs that stopped the Dax's fall, but the hard aspects kept the markets down.


00-01 s
01-02 hhh
02-03 ss
03-04 hh
04-05 sssss
05-06 sss
06-07 dd
]07-08 hs
08-09 hs
09-10 shh
10-11 hh
11-12 h
12-13 h
13-14 hh
14-15 hss
15-16 hhhs
16-17 hhsh
17-18 shsh
18-19 hh
19-20 h
20-21 hh
21-22 g
22-23 g
23-24 hh

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Astrology Report for Wed 23 Nov 05

Wednesdays are the days when I provide the report for free before the markets open. Get hold of an aspectarian, read my beginners report, and then see if you can spot the aspects I had written here in this very simplified format. Also use the Yahoo Instant Messenger to ask questions. You can use this info on any market or trading environment. I use it to understand shoppers' behaviour in a retail store as well. Anyway let's just look at the EU and the US markets for the sake of research. AM EU has a focus of soft aspects in the opening hour and then it will pull back with the hards. PM / AM US has a focus of softs at the around the US open, so a good boost to begin with. Then the hards follow, and the markets will pull back. PM US has less aspects, but they are more hard, so a gentle drop down in the markets to the close.


00-01 sh
01-02 sh
02-03 hhs
03-04 ss
04-05 shhs
05-06 ss
06-07 hss
07-08 s
08-09 hsss
09-10 h
10-11 shh
11-12 g
12-13 h
13-14 hss
14-15 ss
15-16 hh
16-17 shs
17-18 h
18-19 hs
19-20 g
20-21 h
21-22 s
22-23 hhh
23-24 sss

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 23 Nov 05

AM EU (08-12) had little aspects, and the Dax was flat, and was drawn down as the hard apsects near Noon appeared. PM EU / AM US (12-17) had more hards, and the US stock market opened down and remained pressured. PM US (17-21) had less hard aspects, and was softer, so the US markets rose.


00-01 g
01-02 hs
02-03 shh
03-04 hs
04-05 sssss
05-06 h
06-07 s
07-08 hhshhsh
08-09 sh
09-10 g
10-11 s
11-12 g
12-13 hh
13-14 shh
14-15 h
15-16 hh
16-17 shs
17-18 hhh
18-19 s
19-20 hh
20-21 s
21-22 s
22-23 g
23-24 h

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Mon 21 Nov 05

Couple of soft aspects in the first hour of AM EU trading rose the markets, but then the hard aspects later dropped the markets. PM US/AM US had more soft aspects, and the US markets rose. PM US a little more hards that kept the markets from rising, and it rose at the end despite the hard aspects.


00-01 ss
01-02 sshs
02-03 ss
03-04 g
04-05 shhss
05-06 s
06-07 h
07-08 hs
08-09 ssh
09-10 h
10-11 sh
11-12 hs
12-13 s
13-14 s
14-15 sh
15-16 ssh
16-17 hssh
17-18 hh
18-19 hss
19-20 h
20-21 hhhh
21-22 s
22-23 g
23-24 hs

Friday, November 18, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Fri 18 Nov 05

AM EU (08-12) had mostly soft aspects (s) and the Dax which had opened higher contiued to rise. PM EU/AM US (12-17) had a lot of hard aspects (h), so the Dax fell, and then the US stock markets fell as well. PM US (17-21) had a couple of softs that helped to stop the markets falling and hards near the close did dampen the rise, but the aftermarket softs rose the markets.


00-01 hhh
01-02 hhh
02-03 s
03-04 hhss
04-05 sshss
05-06 g
06-07 hsss
07-08 hssh
08-09 sh
09-10 hss
10-11 s
11-12 sh
12-13 shshhh
13-14 hs
14-15 h
15-16 s
16-17 g
17-18 h
18-19 ss
19-20 h
20-21 h
21-22 ss
22-23 hhhs
23-24 hs

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thurs 17 Nov 05

Early AM EU (08-12) had a focus of hard aspects, but there was a follow through on the opening for the Dax, so that did not correlate. PM EU/AM US (12-17) had more focus of hard aspects as well, but they managed to stop the market in the US to advance on the open. PM US (17-21) had a focus of soft aspects, and they powered the US stock markets up very nicely. Oh btw are you all keeping an eye on how well the hard aspects to Neptune are giving oil and the idealist a real sore head. W'hay!


00-01 hhh
01-02 h
02-03 hh
03-04 h
04-05 h
05-06 hhh
06-07 sh
07-08 hs
08-09 hhshs
09-10 hsh
10-11 g
11-12 s
12-13 hh
13-14 h
14-15 hh
15-16 s
16-17 sss
17-18 ssh
18-19 s
19-20 s
20-21 s
21-22 sss
22-23 g
23-24 g

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 16 Nov 05

After yesterdays detailed analysis you should be better prepared to understand these aspects. Look at the AM EU (08-12) aspects, and you will see that we have a stronger set of hard aspects to start with than yesterday (Tuesday). So the stock markets and the Euro should find it easier to go down, and much harder to go up. If they do go up, it will be on lower volume, or as I always state, it is manipulated by one prominent stock or someone is manipulating the market. By my definition a natural phenomon like an earthquake or a some other disaster effects all participants, so it is not weird or manipulative. Now let's look at the PM EU/AM US (12-17) aspects. More focused soft aspects with hard unfocused aspects to follow. That translates to an up then a mild pull-back. PM US (17-21) has a hard focus that should knock the US stock market and the US dollar down quickly. Then it is followed by unfocused soft and then a period of no aspects I call gap (g) in which the markets will go up and coast. That is followed by some mixed aspects that will tend to a higher close considering the after close soft aspects. So let's see how this all pans out. I hope you can find the real aspects in an aspectarian. Please note that Wednesdays are free open days, and please do not hesitate to join my Yahoo Instant Messenger list to ask questions about this experiment. And it is an experiment, so consult a financial advisor and not me about trading.


00-01 hh
01-02 ss
02-03 shhh
03-04 hsh
04-05 g
05-06 h
06-07 shhs
07-08 s
08-09 hhhs
09-10 hhs
10-11 hss
11-12 sh
12-13 hss
13-14 ss
14-15 h
15-16 h
16-17 s
17-18 shhs
18-19 s
19-20 g
20-21 shsh
21-22 s
22-23 s
23-24 g

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 15 Nov 05

If you just looked at the number of soft (s) and hard (h) aspects for each hour (which in itself is a gross simplification), you would be able to see that for EU in the morning; there were a couple of soft aspects (ss) that were followed by a more mixed hour (hshs), then an hour with both focused hards (hh) and softs (ss), and the an hour with a focus of softs (ss). So you would think then that the markets should start with a tendency to go up, then be mixed, then have a sharp down and then up, and more up as Noon approached. Now let's look at reality. I am using Dax. Well we got the up, and then the mixed and the down, but it did not go back up, but rather consolidated. So one has to be carefull in one's expectations. Sometimes a focus of aspects needs to be a lot more than a couple of aspects, and the nature of each aspect has to be considered. That's were a detailed look at an aspectarian is necessary. I thought I would just give you a semi-detailed look at just 4 hours then. The detailed report would take a very long time. So to carry on in the simple format, PM EU / AM US (12-17) had more hard aspects that were not especially focused, and there were no soft aspects in focus, so you would expect the markets to be pressured down, and the result was that the US market was mildly pressured, which correlated well. PM US (17-21) had some hards at first and then more softs upward move after a move down. And it did just that, even though the move down was more than expected, considering the fact that there was no real focus of aspects. The only thought that comes to mind is the fact that it is the full moon and a lot of players do not look at all the various aspects like I do, and look at the simple aspect sets, which will highlight the full moon more.


00-01 hsh
01-02 g
02-03 hhshh
03-04 shh
04-05 hsssss
05-06 g
06-07 s
07-08 hhh
08-09 ss
09-10 hshs
10-11 hhss
11-12 ss
12-13 s
13-14 shhs
14-15 h
15-16 h
16-17 ssh
17-18 h
18-19 hs
19-20 hss
20-21 hsh
21-22 hs
22-23 hs
23-24 hssh

Monday, November 14, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Mon 14 Nov 05

AM EU (08-12) hardly had any aspects, with a little focus of softs near Noon, so you would expect the EU stock markets to be calm. Well the Dax opened up, and then stayed calm, and did rise some more by Noon, and even the Euro rose a bit. PM EU/AM (12-17) US had more hard aspects in focus, and you would expect the stock markets to find it easier to fall, and the US stock markets did fall. The Euro fell in the early afternoon, and then the US dollar could not go up with the hards, as it settled around 1.1700. PM US (17-21) had a focus of hard aspects, that held the markets down, and then they rose once they were over, with the US dollar rising to 1.1660.


00-01 ss
01-02 s
02-03 g
03-04 shs
04-05 hhhsh
05-06 s
06-07 s
07-08 g
08-09 h
09-10 g
10-11 hssh
11-12 hs
12-13 hh
13-14 h
14-15 hhhs
15-16 shs
16-17 ss
17-18 g
18-19 hhhs
19-20 shsh
20-21 g
21-22 h
22-23 h
23-24 s

Friday, November 11, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Fri 11 Nov '05

Let's say you had this report before the world markets opened. A quick glance at the various hours and you can see that some have more aspects in them than others. Have a look at the 15-16 period. That time period is in GMT, so you have to think what markets are open to show the three soft aspects (shown as sss)? The EU, African, and American markets were open. I cannot obviously go through all the markets individually. I will look at the one that is most active, namely the US ones. So was the US stock market going up because of the focus of soft aspects? Clearly yes. Now look at the focus of hard aspects in the 16-17 period. Did they bring the US stock market down? Clearly yes. It is as easy as that. But remember this is just an experiment and you should use conventional investment methods.


00-01 s
01-02 ss
02-03 g
03-04 s
04-05 g
05-06 s
06-07 hshs
07-08 hs
08-09 s
09-10 s
10-11 hh
11-12 ss
12-13 g
13-14 hh
14-15 hsh
15-16 ssshhs
16-17 hhhs
17-18 sh
18-19 hsh
19-20 h
20-21 h
21-22 h
22-23 g
23-24 s

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thurs 10 Nov '05

AM EU (08-12) had a focus of soft aspects, and the Dax opened up 0.6%, and the Euro drifted up to 1.1787. PM EU AM US (12-17) had more softs early on in US trading, and the US dollar rose to1.1740, until hard aspects appeared and the US dollar consolidated, whilst the US stock market fell with the hard aspects. PM US (17-21) had more softs than hard aspects, which rose the stock markets, and the US dollar rose to 1.1677.


00-01 shs
01-02 shhh
02-03 sh
03-04 hs
04-05 hh
05-06 shs
06-07 s
07-08 h
08-09 sshss
09-10 h
10-11 shs
11-12 g
12-13 sssshh
13-14 hh
14-15 h
15-16 hh
16-17 shhh
17-18 h
18-19 sh
19-20 hs
20-21 ssh
21-22 h
22-23 h
23-24 shs

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Wed 9 Nov '05

AM EU (08-12) starts off with more hard aspects, and then softer; so the stock market and the Euro will find it easiert to fall, and then easier to rise. PM EU / AM US (12-17) has more hard aspects, so the US stock market, and US dollar will find it easier to fall, until just before Noon, when there are a couple of soft aspects. PM US (17-21) has more hard aspects, so it will be easier for the stock market and the US dollar to resume their downward trend. Remember this is an experiment, and you should try to use this free guide to find the aspects in an aspectarian yourself. Please use the Wednesdays to contact me for free advice via Yahoo Instant Messenger.


00-01 h
01-02 hh
02-03 s
03-04 sh
04-05 s
05-06 sh
06-07 g
07-08 hss
08-09 hh
09-10 s
10-11 h
11-12 shss
12-13 hsh
13-14 h
14-15 hhs
15-16 shhs
16-17 s
17-18 hs
18-19 h
19-20 h
20-21 sh
21-22 hss
22-23 ss
23-24 ssh

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 8 Nov '05

AM EU (08-12) had more hard aspects, so Dax falling is no surprise. PM EU / AM US (12-17) had more softs and then hards, so a rise in the US stock market then a pull-back was fine. PM US (17-21) had a more mixed aspect pattern, and the US market was mixed as well.


00-01 hsh
01-02 hss
02-03 shhh
03-04 hs
04-05 sh
05-06 ss
06-07 s
07-08 hhh
08-09 g
09-10 shh
10-11 h
11-12 hsh
12-13 ss
13-14 ss
14-15 ssh
15-16 hhs
16-17 hs
17-18 hhs
18-19 s
19-20 hsh
20-21 hssh
21-22 sh
22-23 hs
23-24 s

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Mon 7 Nov '05

More focused hard aspects than soft aspects kept the Dax down in AM EU (08-12). PM EU / AM US (12-17) had less focus but still more hard aspects dropped the US stock market. PM US (17-21) had more focused soft aspects that took the US stock market higher.


00-01 h
01-02 s
02-03 sh
03-04 s
04-05 sh
05-06 h
06-07 sss
07-08 hhsh
08-09 sh
09-10 hhhsssh
10-11 shs
11-12 h
12-13 h
13-14 h
14-15 shh
15-16 h
16-17 hhs
17-18 sss
18-19 hhss
19-20 ss
20-21 g
21-22 hs
22-23 h
23-24 ss

Friday, November 04, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Fri 4 Nov 05

AM EU (08-12) had unfocused soft aspects, but had focused hard aspects that kept the Dax down, with the Euro staying flat. PM EU / AM US (12-17) had more focused soft aspects that moved US dollar up, and so did the US stock markets, until later on the morning when there were more hard aspects than soft aspects; which stopped the US dollar's rise, and the US stock markets fell. PM US (17-21) had more focused hard aspects; that kept the US stocks down, until the last hour when there were no hard aspects, and there were soft aspects just after the close; that created a recovery rally.


00-01 s
01-02 g
02-03 shhs
03-04 hs
04-05 g
05-06 h
06-07 shhhs
07-08 s
08-09 s
09-10 hhs
10-11 s
11-12 hss
12-13 sshss
13-14 sh
14-15 s
15-16 hs
16-17 shs
17-18 hhh
18-19 ss
19-20 hhh
20-21 g
21-22 ss
22-23 hs
23-24 sh

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thursday 3 Nov 05

AM EU (08-12) had mixed aspects, but the Dax rose with the softs in focus, and the Euro rose to 1.2080. PM EU / AM US (12-17) had more softs then balanced; that rose the US stock markets, and the US dollar. PM US (17-21) had less aspects and a gap; which kept the US market flat, and the hard aspect dropped the markets, but the soft aspects rose the markets at the end, and the US dollar rose to 1.1935.


00-01 s
01-02 shh
02-03 hs
03-04 hss
04-05 hsh
05-06 hh
06-07 g
07-08 hs
08-09 shhss
09-10 h
10-11 hss
11-12 sh
12-13 ssh
13-14 ss
14-15 hs
15-16 shs
16-17 g
17-18 s
18-19 hs
19-20 ss
20-21 g
21-22 hh
22-23 hhs
23-24 s

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Aspects to Neptune in November and December 2005

Nov-Dec'05 Neptune aspects

01-06 shh
07-13 hhhhs
14-20 shhh
21-27 sshss
28-04 hh
05-11 hs
12-18 hs
19-25 shhs
26-01 hhhhss

Above are the aspects made to Neptune. I use Neptune to follow commodities, especially oil, and idealism especially in the world of current affairs. Hard aspected periods bring oil prices down, and idealism gets no where.

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 2 Nov 05

AM EU (08-12) starts off with some soft aspects, and then has little hard aspects; so expect a fairly boring morning. PM EU / AM US (12-17) has a lot of softs followed by some hard, so a good move up is expected followed by a little pull-back . PM US (17-21) also has a lot of soft aspects, and then some hard aspects; so a move up then a little pull-back. All of these aspects can be found if you configure your aspectarian with the aspects I have used, as described in the beginners page. If you need help then get Yahoo Instant Messenger, put my id in and chat with me for free on Wednesdays. Remember this is an experiment and the info should not be used for trading. Oh I nearly forgot, today is the new moon in Scorpio which always marks the beginning of the Indian new year. Well this year it is at an awkward applying aspect to both Saturn and Neptune. Hard work.


00-01 g
01-02 ssss
02-03 shs
03-04 h
04-05 h
05-06 hhs
06-07 hhh
07-08 ss
08-09 s
09-10 hs
10-11 h
11-12 g
12-13 ss
13-14 s
14-15 hssssh
15-16 hs
16-17 hhs
17-18 g
18-19 sss
19-20 h
20-21 hs
21-22 g
22-23 hhs
23-24 g

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tuesday 1 Nov 05

AM EU (08-12) had more hard aspects, but the Dax and the Euro rose, and so there was a disonnect here. PM EU / AM US (12-17) had more hard aspects, and both the Dax and Euro fell, and so did the US stock markets and the US dollar when US opened. PM US (17-21) had a bit more soft aspects and the markets popped up. I think the disconnection earlier today was due to the possible anticipation of Fed rate announcement.


00-01 g
01-02 s
02-03 s
03-04 ssh
04-05 hh
05-06 h
06-07 hh
07-08 g
08-09 h
09-10 hh
10-11 s
11-12 hhhss
12-13 s
13-14 s
14-15 h
15-16 hss
16-17 hh
17-18 h
18-19 g
19-20 hss
20-21 shsh
21-22 shhs
22-23 hssssh
23-24 ss

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 31 October 2005

AM EU (08-12) had soft aspects, then hard aspects; that opened the Dax strongly up, and then pulled back and held; and the Euro rose to 1.2090 and then pulled back to 1.2055. PM EU / AM US (12-17) did not have a lot of aspects; with some focus of softs that helped to take the US stock market up, until the hards stopped the rise near Noon in US; and the US dollar rose to 1.1968. PM US (17-21) had more softs in focus that took the US stock even higher and the US dollar remained bouyed. But notice the drop in the US stock markets near the close, with the focus of hard aspects.


00-01 ss
01-02 hhh
02-03 sh
03-04 hh
04-05 hsh
05-06 hh
06-07 g
07-08 sssh
08-09 s
09-10 s
10-11 hh
11-12 h
12-13 g
13-14 h
14-15 s
15-16 hss
16-17 hhh
17-18 shhss
18-19 ssss
19-20 hh
20-21 hhs
21-22 s
22-23 hss
23-24 hshs

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Friday 28 Oct 2005.

AM EU (07-11) was balanced, then more softs, and the Dax rose, but then fell, which did not correlate, but the Euro rose. PM EU / AM US (11-16) had more hard aspects, and the Dax remained down for a while, but then rose, when there were more hard aspects, which again does not correlate. The US dollar and the US stock markets, both initially fell, and then recovered. PM US (16-20) had some hards, but a lot of softs. And the US stock markets did pause with the hards, but then rise very well with the softs. And the US dollar rose as well with the softs.


00-01 shhh
01-02 hss
02-03 g
03-04 g
04-05 hhsh
05-06 hhhshs
06-07 hs
07-08 hs
08-09 s
09-10 hss
10-11 h
11-12 hhh
12-13 hhh
13-14 h
14-15 sh
15-16 hhs
16-17 hsh
17-18 hhhh
18-19 s
19-20 ss
20-21 ss
21-22 g
22-23 g
23-24 sss

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thursday 27 Oct 2005

AM EU (07-11) had hard aspects, then soft aspects, and the Dax fell, then consolidated. PM EU/AM US (11-16) had softs then hards, and the Dax rose a bit, but the US opened when there were hards around, and it fell, and then was it flat with the gap. PM US (16-20) had more hards then more softs, and the US market fell some more before consolidating.


00-01 g
01-02 s
02-03 hhhh
03-04 g
04-05 h
05-06 shh
06-07 shs
07-08 g
08-09 h
09-10 h
10-11 s
11-12 s
12-13 g
13-14 hh
14-15 g
15-16 sh
16-17 shhss
17-18 hs
18-19 ssh
19-20 hsss
20-21 hss
21-22 g
22-23 hs
23-24 hhshs

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Wed. 26 October 2005

If you look Asian trading (00-07) you will see that there are mostly hard (h) aspects. So expect the stock markets, and their national currencies to drop. There are moments when there are no aspects or gaps (g) as I call them, and moments when there are soft aspects (s), which will stop the move down, but they are not that strong. In AM EU (07-11) there are hard aspects as well, but it is a bit more mixed with the soft and hard aspects being balanced near the end of the morning. PM EU/ AM US (11-16) has more hard aspects than softs, and there are some dull boring periods with the two gaps there. PM US (16-20) there are a lot of soft aspects, and the US markets should roar up. Let's really see how for some peculiar logical (real world) reason the stock markets and the US dollar just take off. This will be fun to see. Moon trine Pluto is the main popular soft aspect, but there are other ones as well. What a day. No one will dare mention that it was for astrological reasons would they. Remember this is all an experiment, and it can go wrong. Enjoy the ride!


00-01 hhh
01-02 s
02-03 hh
03-04 hs
04-05 h
05-06 h
06-07 g
07-08 h
08-09 s
09-10 h
10-11 hshs
11-12 g
12-13 h
13-14 g
14-15 hs
15-16 h
16-17 g
17-18 sss
18-19 s
19-20 sssss
20-21 g
21-22 hs
22-23 shshs
23-24 hs

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tuesday 25 October 2005

AM EU (07-11) had more hard aspects, and so one would expect the markets to come down, or have a hard time going up. If you look at the chart of the Dax, it opened up, but then steadily fell. But the Euro went up very early on, until the hard aspects really started to bite. PM EU / AM US (11-16) had hard aspects, and the Dax continued to decline, so did the US stock markets, and the US dollar. PM US (16-20) eventually had more soft aspects, which stopped the fall, and took the markets up.


00-01 ss
01-02 hh
02-03 hh
03-04 hs
04-05 g
05-06 h
06-07 hh
07-08 g
08-09 hs
09-10 hhs
10-11 sh
11-12 h
12-13 h
13-14 hh
14-15 h
15-16 hs
16-17 hssshs
17-18 hsh
18-19 sh
19-20 s
20-21 sh
21-22 sshh
22-23 s
23-24 shh

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 24 October 2005

As you can see early AM EU, there were no aspects, then a little soft aspect, and then more hard aspects than soft aspects. And the Dax went up, then slowed down. PM EU/ AM US (11-16) had a focus of hard aspects early on, which then lessened. The markets in EU and US felt the pressure. PM US (16-20) had more soft aspects and the markets rose.


00-01 sh
01-02 s
02-03 g
03-04 ss
04-05 h
05-06 hsh
06-07 hshs
07-08 g
08-09 s
09-10 shhs
10-11 hshh
11-12 sh
12-13 hhhsh
13-14 h
14-15 g
15-16 sh
16-17 ss
17-18 sh
18-19 hss
19-20 s
20-21 g
21-22 h
22-23 g
23-24 ss

Astrology of Ben S. Bernanke

The next Chairman of Federal Reserve of United States of America has, Sun 20 Sag, Moon 13 to 27 Pisces (as I do not know his time of birth), Mer 4 Sag, Venus 10 Sag, Mars 26 Libra, Jupiter 21 Gemini, Saturn 5 Scorpio, Uranus 22 Cancer, Neptune 25 Libra, Pluto 24 Leo, North Node 24 Cap.

So we have a good old positive Sagittarian at the helm. He is a visionary with Mars and Neptune conjunct. He is sensitive to Moon in Pisces, Virgo, Sag, Gemini, so look out for those days. No earth signs, which is really weird, but note that Saturn is in Scorpio. So he will be more secretive than your usual Sags. And he is from my old school Princeton, so that can't be bad.

It is nice to have a breath of fresh air. I will write more on him as time goes by.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Friday 21 October 2005

There seems to be very little aspects in AM EU (07-11); with just a couple of soft aspects, and a long period of no aspects I call gap (g). So you would expect a rise in the markets, then flat. The Dax opened down, but then tried to rise above that level, and then did remain in a tight range, and falling as the hard approached. PM EU or AM US (11-16), had mostly hard aspects, and then a focus of soft aspects. So one would have expected a fall, then a good rise. In reality, the markets fell, and then stopped and turned around with the soft aspects. PM US (16-20) had some softs, and then mostly hard aspects; which rose the markets a bit more, and then steadily dropped them.


00-01 s
01-02 s
02-03 hsh
03-04 h
04-05 shh
05-06 hsss
06-07 h
07-08 s
08-09 s
09-10 g
10-11 g
11-12 h
12-13 s
13-14 hh
14-15 s
15-16 sssh
16-17 hss
17-18 h
18-19 shh
19-20 s
20-21 shhs
21-22 h
22-23 s
23-24 ss

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thursday 20 October 2005

Early in the AM EU period (07-11), there were a lot of soft aspects, and then very little else. So you would expect a rise in the markets, and a decline. In reality, there was a rise in the Dax by 1.75%, and the Euro and then a drop. PM EU or AM US (11-16) had little aspects, then a focus of hard aspects. So the markets would be boring for a while, then go down. In reality, the US market dropped after a flat period. PM US (16-20) had more hard aspects, and so the markets should have dropped, and they did; with the US markets dropping as much as 1.5%, and the US dollar dropped from 1.1980 to 1.2020 quite dramatically.


00-01 hh
01-02 s
02-03 g
03-04 hssh
04-05 h
05-06 g
06-07 s
07-08 sshss
08-09 sss
09-10 g
10-11 h
11-12 s
12-13 h
13-14 g
14-15 hh
15-16 h
16-17 sh
17-18 h
18-19 g
19-20 shhs
20-21 h
21-22 hsh
22-23 h
23-24 sh

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed. 19 Oct 2005

We seem to have a lot of soft aspects in AM EU (07-11), so I expect the markets to have an easier time going up. PM EU (11-16) has periods of both soft and hards, but the hards have the upper hand early on, and then the softs do. So it will be easier to go down first with the US opening, and then up. PM US (16-20) again has more hards, until the end. So expect a down move, then a little recovery at the end. Remember, this is all a guide for you to use with an aspectarian, which if you configure as I have written in the beginners guide, you should be alright. If not, contact me via Yahoo Instant Messenger, and I will help you along for free today. And please note this is not a perfect system, so do not trade with it. Just have fun with it.


00-01 hhshh
01-02 hsss
02-03 hss
03-04 hs
04-05 g
05-06 hh
06-07 ss
07-08 sshsh
08-09 s
09-10 ssh
10-11 ss
11-12 hh
12-13 ss
13-14 hsshhh
14-15 s
15-16 ss
16-17 hshshh
17-18 h
18-19 hs
19-20 ss
20-21 hssh
21-22 shs
22-23 hhh
23-24 shsh

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Stock and Forex Markets Astrology for Tuesday 18 October 2005

Mostly soft aspects in AM EU (07-11), and the Dax remained bouyed, and the Euro stayed around 1.1970. PM EU (11-16) has more hard aspects, and the Euro fell, until the US started trading and then the US dollar fell. The US stock markets were pressured as well. PM US (16-20) had more hard aspects, and the US stock markets fell accordingly, and the US dollar dropped to 1.1970.


00-01 g
01-02 hhg
02-03 ss
03-04 s
04-05 h
05-06 sh
06-07 hsh
07-08 s
08-09 s
09-10 hh
10-11 ss
11-12 hss
12-13 g
13-14 hhh
14-15 h
15-16 shhh
16-17 hh
17-18 sh
18-19 hhh
19-20 shh
20-21 ssss
21-22 g
22-23 hs
23-24 sh

Monday, October 17, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 17 October 2005

AM EU (07-11) starts off with more soft aspects, and then the hard aspects become more. So one would expect the markets to rise and then fall. And they did - with the Dax rising almost 0.5% on the open, and then falling steadily 0.7%. PM EU or AM US (11-16) had more hards almost to the end of the period. So one would expect the markets to fall, and then rise - and the US market did fall and consolidate. PM US (16-20) had more hards, and then it became softer at the very end - so the markets were held down until the last hour.


00-01 hhhhs
01-02 h
02-03 s
03-04 h
04-05 h
05-06 g
06-07 hsss
07-08 s
08-09 sssshh
09-10 shh
10-11 sshshs
11-12 hsh
12-13 hhhs
13-14 hhsh
14-15 sh
15-16 s
16-17 s
17-18 h
18-19 shh
19-20 hh
20-21 hs
21-22 sh
22-23 h
23-24 h

Friday, October 14, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Friday 14 October 2005

AM EU (07-11) was all hards, so you would expect it difficult for the markets to go up, and easier for the markets to go down. Did they? Yes they did, as the Dax and the Euro fell. PM EU (11-16) had more softs, so you would think there would be a little more relief. Was there? Yes the US markets did rally back up, and the US dollar did have a good gain for a brief moment. PM US (16-20) had more softs, and the US markets carried on rising, and the US stopped falling and held around 1.2080.


00-01 shh
01-02 s
02-03 h
03-04 ssh
04-05 hs
05-06 hhs
06-07 sss
07-08 shh
08-09 hs
09-10 hhhhs
10-11 hhs
11-12 hs
12-13 s
13-14 ssh
14-15 hsshhshh
15-16 hhs
16-17 ss
17-18 g
18-19 hss
19-20 s
20-21 s
21-22 hs
22-23 s
23-24 hss

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thursday 13 Oct 2005

In AM EU (07-11), there were more hard aspects first, then more soft aspects near the end. And did the EU markets go down first, then up? In fact they spent most of the time going down, and then paused. PM EU or AM US (11-16) had more hards for most of the time apart from 13-14 or just when the US markets were opening. So you would expect the markets to rise then pull back. Did that happen? They did. PM US (16-20) had a gap in aspects, then a couple of softs, and then hards. So it should have been, flat, then up, then down. Did that happen? Oh yes, there was a nice 0.8% rise in the Dow, and then a consolidation and not a drop, but the US dollar fell instead.


00-01 hh
01-02 sss
02-03 h
03-04 s
04-05 hhss
05-06 sh
06-07 h
07-08 sh
08-09 shh
09-10 shss
10-11 ss
11-12 hs
12-13 hh
13-14 ss
14-15 hsh
15-16 hsh
16-17 g
17-18 ss
18-19 hs
19-20 h
20-21 hh
21-22 h
22-23 hhhs
23-24 hsssh

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 12 October 2005

Below are the aspects given in advance. If you look at AM EU (07-11) you will see that there is a period of hard aspects (08-09). So the markets will find it a lot easier to go down. PM EU or AM US (11-16) has more soft aspects followed by more hard aspects. So it will be easier for the markets to rise, and then easier for the markets to fall. PM US (16-20) has a little more lift and then there is a long period of no aspects or gap, when the markets just stay flat, after a drop after the soft aspects are over. Gaps are very interesting as they tend to make life very disjointed and confusing. Remember I will be available on my Yahoo Instant Messenger if you want to ask questions.


00-01 h
01-02 ss
02-03 hhs
03-04 hhs
04-05 hs
05-06 hs
06-07 s
07-08 shs
08-09 hhhhss
09-10 h
10-11 h
11-12 s
12-13 shss
13-14 g
14-15 shs
15-16 hhhs
16-17 sh
17-18 ss
18-19 g
19-20 g
20-21 g
21-22 ss
22-23 hs
23-24 shs

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tuesday 11 October 2005

If you look at the distribution of aspects in AM EU (07-11), you can see that there are more hard aspects (h), than soft aspects (s). So the markets would find it harder to go up, and easier to go down. Did that actually happen? Look at the Dax. Well it opened up and then soon run out of steam and stayed flat. Not a brilliant correlation. Let's look at the Euro. There we have a much better correlation, with the Euro falling. Now look at PM EU or AM US (11-16). We have more of a mixed bag, with a little more hards, and the US markets did go down. The US dollar reversed its gain from 1.1980 area toward 1.2020. PM US (16-20) had a period of some soft aspects, before the hard aspects at the end. And if you look at the chart of the Dow or Nasdaq you can clearly see a run up in the markets at the moment when the soft aspects came, and then a pull back towards the end. And the same is true for the US dollar.


00-01 hhh
01-02 ssssh
02-03 shs
03-04 hhs
04-05 sh
05-06 sh
06-07 hh
07-08 hhh
08-09 hhhs
09-10 g
10-11 hsh
11-12 sh
12-13 hsh
13-14 sshs
14-15 g
15-16 h
16-17 h
17-18 g
18-19 ssshhs
19-20 hsh
20-21 hh
21-22 s
22-23 s
23-24 shs

Monday, October 10, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 10 October 2005

If you look at the AM EU aspects (07-11) below, you will see some soft aspects (s), which are then followed by more focused hard aspects (h). So one would expect the markets to be buoyed and then fall. What happened in reality? Let's look at the Dax. It did go up, and then stall and then pull back. And the Euro, did that but in more in sync. The Euro rose to 1.2155, and then fell. Now look at the PM EU or AM US (11-16) aspects. There were a lot of soft aspects, so you would expect the markets to go higher. Look at the way the US dollar rose to 1.2040, and the US stock markets that initially fell recovered. PM US (16-20) was much more mixed, but harder than earlier, so it fell, and the US dollar fell to 1.2073.


00-01 sh
01-02 shs
02-03 sh
03-04 shsh
04-05 ssh
05-06 h
06-07 s
07-08 s
08-09 s
09-10 h
10-11 hhh
11-12 sh
12-13 ssh
13-14 s
14-15 sss
15-16 sssh
16-17 hhss
17-18 h
18-19 ssh
19-20 hh
20-21 hs
21-22 s
22-23 s
23-24 hs

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Friday 7 Oct 2005

Below are the aspects for Friday. Sorry a bit late. As you can see there were a couple moments when we had a few aspects together for a while early on in AM EU (07-11), and then no aspects or gaps until Noon. So you would expect a couple of sharp moves, and then flat in the gap. Was that true? Looking at the chart of the Dax, one can see that we did get a move up early on, and then a bigger fall, and then flat. For the Euro, there was no rise, but a drop to 1.2095. PM EU/AM US (11-16) had more hard aspects in generally low aspected time period. So one would expect the markets to go down more easily. And the US dollar did fall to 1.2130, whilst the US stock market steadily lost 0.6%. PM US (16-20) was mostly soft, but had a period of hards (18-19). So one would expect a sharp reaction to the hards. Did it happen? Yes there was a sharp move down, after a gentle rise, followed by a gentle rise.


00-01 g
01-02 hss
02-03 s
03-04 ssh
04-05 hhh
05-06 hhs
06-07 s
07-08 shsss
08-09 shhh
09-10 g
10-11 g
11-12 s
12-13 hhs
13-14 g
14-15 h
15-16 s
16-17 sh
17-18 s
18-19 hhh
19-20 s
20-21 ssh
21-22 s
22-23 g
23-24 hshsh

Friday, October 07, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thursday 6 Oct 2005

We had more hard aspects in EU morning (07-11), and a short period of high soft focus in PM EU/AM US (11-16). So you would expect the markets to have had trouble going up in the morning, and then get a boost in the afternoon. In reality the Dax fell in the morning, and yes the afternoon was better, with the US trying to go higher with the softs. PM US (16-20) had more hard aspects, and so the markets would drop; sure enough the US markets fell nearly 2%. Cool.


00-01 sh
01-02 hssh
02-03 hh
03-04 h
04-05 s
05-06 hs
06-07 s
07-08 hh
08-09 ss
09-10 hh
10-11 g
11-12 sh
12-13 shsssh
13-14 g
14-15 hh
15-16 ss
16-17 h
17-18 hshhhs
18-19 h
19-20 hshh
20-21 sshs
21-22 hshds
22-23 hss
23-24 g

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 5 Oct 2005

If you look at the free report for today, you will see that around 06-07 and 07-08 we have a load of soft aspects. The markets open with high volume around that time are the Mumbai and Hong Kong. Obviuosly S&P futures are trading, so expect the local markets and their currencies to gain against the US dollar. AM EU (07-11) has low set of aspects, but the they are hard, and so the Euro should get hit and the Dax should fall or find it hard to gain. PM EU AM US(11-16) has some sharp moves, with focus in both hard and soft aspects. Now if you have not got already on my Yahoo Messenger list, then get on it, and get live updates and learn for free how it is all done. PM US (16-20) has more soft aspects, which means the markets will go higher, even though there are a couple of hards at the end. Remember this is all research and you really should not use this for trading.


00-01 g
01-02 hh
02-03 h
03-04 hh
04-05 s
05-06 s
06-07 ssss
07-08 sss
08-09 h
09-10 s
10-11 h
11-12 hh
12-13 sss
13-14 hhh
14-15 ssh
15-16 g
16-17 ssh
17-18 shs
18-19 sss
19-20 hhs
20-21 g
21-22 hs
22-23 hhss
23-24 h

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tuesday 4 Oct 2005

AM EU (07-11) had a focus of soft aspects, after a little amount of hard aspects, which turned the market around. PM EU/AM US (11-16) had more hards, which dropped the markets. PM US (16-20) had some more softs, which took Dax much higher in the last hour of its trading. But the US market fell, which is really out of line.


00-01 shs
01-02 hh
02-03 hh
03-04 sh
04-05 s
05-06 g
06-07 sh
07-08 s
08-09 shh
09-10 ssshh
10-11 h
11-12 hhsh
12-13 hshs
13-14 h
14-15 hs
15-16 hhssh
16-17 h
17-18 s
18-19 s
19-20 sssh
20-21 ss
21-22 h
22-23 hss
23-24 hhh

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 4 October 2005

Pretend that the stock markets and the currency markets had not opened, and you had the table below, and an aspectarian. You should be able to see the aspects I was referring to, and you would be in a position to anticipate the markets potential moves. Let's look at the pattern for AM EU (7-11) first. You can see that we have a couple of hard aspects, then more soft aspects, then a mix and then a little more softs. So you would expect a little move down in Dax, then up, then mixed and then more up. And lone and behold the Dax did just that. Did the Euro do that? Yes, and the hards really did drop the Euro more, and the softs managed to stop the decline in a declining market. So here you can see how the aspects will markets in different manner depending what the prevailing longer trend is. Now let's look at PM EU or AM US (11-16). You can see we a little soft, and then mostly hard aspects. So one would expect a little rise, and then a fall. And the US markets did just that. And in the afternoon of US (16-20), was that a good correlation? Well here we see a lot of burst of focused sets. The first focused set is soft, and ordinarily one would expect big move up. Did that happpen? Not really, and not even for the hard aspects either. In fact the US market pretty much did nothing in the afternoon. Very strange. So as you can see it is not perfect by any means, and I am sure I could find some major stock news to explain the weird moves in the PM US. But that's where it is the market going wrong, more than the aspects. Why? Because as far a Life is concerned the potential was there, and it did not happen in the US, but it did happen in the rest of Life elsewhere. Astrological aspects always point out when the market is not behaving correctly.


00-01 hs
01-02 ss
02-03 sss
03-04 h
04-05 shs
05-06 hh
06-07 hh
07-08 hh
08-09 sss
09-10 shsh
10-11 ss
11-12 s
12-13 h
13-14 h
14-15 h
15-16 hs
16-17 ssss
17-18 hhh
18-19 g
19-20 hhs
20-21 hsh
21-22 h
22-23 sh
23-24 hh

Friday, September 30, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Friday 30 Sept 2005

If you look at the aspects in AM EU (7 to 11), you will see that there are more hard (h) aspects early on, and then a gap (g) in aspects, and then progressively more softs (s). So one would want to see the markets to go down, then flat and then higher. And if you look at the chart of the Dax, it did just that. Now look at the PM EU or AM US (11-16). Pretty low on the number of aspects, with the softs having a slight edge early on, and then the hards in high focus near Noon in US. So one would expect the markets to be more buoyant to begin with, and then to fall. And the Dow and the Nasdaq did exactly that in the morning. PM US (16-20), there are hards, but then we get a series of softs. So one would expect the markets to recover a bit with the softs and they did.


00-01 shh
01-02 s
02-03 g
03-04 ss
04-05 h
05-06 sshh
06-07 g
07-08 hh
08-09 shhss
09-10 g
10-11 ss
11-12 h
12-13 hss
13-14 g
14-15 s
15-16 hhhshh
16-17 g
17-18 hhhs
18-19 hhsss
19-20 h
20-21 hhss
21-22 hhh
22-23 sshss

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thursday 29 Sept 2005

Looking at the EU aspects, you can see that there a few hard aspects very early on (07-08), but then the soft aspects were much more abundant later on in the morning (10-11). So one would expect the market to find it easier to go down, and then to not find it easy to go down, but to find it easier to up. Let's look at the real results. A chart of the Dax for the morning reveals that the Dax was under a little pressure, and did make an effort to go up. But the Euro shows it more clearly, as it fell from 1.2080 to 1.2040, and then went up to 1.2069 with the softs. Now look at the aspects in the PM EU or AM US. It appears pretty thin on aspects, with a gap, and then the aspects get mixed, but the hards being a little more focused. So you would expect the markets to remain boring (gap), and then to be underpressure. Do they? Well looking at the currencies we see the US dollar jumping at the moment of US data release which and then fizziling out as there were no aspects then, and then later losing ground to the harder aspects. The US stock market also is under pressure with the harder aspects in the morning. Now look at the PM US aspects. There were some soft aspects around 15-16, and they seemed to have helped to break the US stock market out of the dull morning trading. But it was a bit of a struggle for it to go up the rest of the day without many soft aspects, and more hard aspects. Again you can see how the US dollar lost ground with the hard aspects. I have found that US currency will follow the aspects more, and in turn effect the US stock market more, than a larger component of the index trying to lead the market in the opposite direction to the US dollar.


00-01 hh
01-02 hs
02-03 shsshh
03-04 g
04-05 hs
05-06 g
06-07 h
07-08 hh
08-09 ss
09-10 hs
10-11 hsss
11-12 s
12-13 g
13-14 hsh
14-15 shhs
15-16 shs
16-17 g
17-18 hsh
18-19 g
19-20 hhh
20-21 hhh
21-22 g
22-23 ssh
23-24 g

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology Report for Wed 28 Sept 2005

Today's free report shows a good range of the different types of aspects. We start with in EU trading (07-08) a little more soft aspects, then it gets a bit harder (11-12). US opens with no aspects (13-14), but then there is a focus of a lot of softs at 14-15 (corresponding to 10-11 EDT), and then it gets hard again, and the US markets will be under pressure at the close. Remember I will be giving the detailed signals, and free consultation via Yahoo Instant Messenger. Use aliwho or click on the button on the site.


00-01 ss
01-02 hhs
02-03 hhh
03-04 g
04-05 h
05-06 hhh
06-07 g
07-08 ss
08-09 ssh
09-10 sh
10-11 hs
11-12 hh
12-13 g
13-14 g
14-15 ssss
15-16 g
16-17 hshh
17-18 shhs
18-19 sshs
19-20 hh
20-21 h
21-22 ss
22-23 ssh
23-24 h

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tuesday 27 Sept. 2005

Looking at the time periods when the EU and US markets were trading, it is clear that the were hards, then gaps, and some oft aspects. So one would expects a fairly quiet day with a drop and some upside. Now taking a look at the real results, it is clear that the Dax fell with the hards, then it was quiet, and then the US stock market rose with the soft aspects.


00-01 ssh
01-02 shh
02-03 sh
03-04 hh
04-05 ss
05-06 g
06-07 h
07-08 hs
08-09 h
09-10 sh
10-11 sh
11-12 g
12-13 ss
13-14 g
14-15 ss
15-16 h
16-17 s
17-18 ss
18-19 sh
19-20 hs
20-21 g
21-22 hhh
22-23 s
23-24 sh

Monday, September 26, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 26 Sept. 2005

If you look at the moment the EU markets started trading, 07-08 GMT, you will see a lot of soft aspects, which explains why the Dax rose 2%, and the Euro rose from 1.2020 to 1.2070. The rest of the time there were more soft aspects, and they kept the markets up. When the US opened there were more hard aspects later on, and the US stock markets pulled back 1% from the highs.


00-01 g
01-02 s
02-03 g
03-04 hs
04-05 h
05-06 g
06-07 hs
07-08 hsss
08-09 hhhs
09-10 hs
10-11 g
11-12 hs
12-13 hss
13-14 sh
14-15 s
15-16 hh
16-17 shh
17-18 sh
18-19 h
19-20 hhh
20-21 s
21-22 ssh
22-23 g
23-24 h

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Friday 23 Sept. 2005

The first thing you notice about today's distribution of aspects is the number of gaps. What is a gap you say? Well this is the crux of the whole method. Obviously planets and the moon are making aspects to each other all the time. But there are certain ones that I look at. Please read the beginners guide link. Gaps are a bit like vacuum, and the markets tend to reverse immediately after an aspects is over, before becoming flat and boring, until the moment the next aspects gets close. So if you look at the aspects below, you will see there a few separate hourly periods when there were none of the aspects I look at. If you look carefully, you will see that we had just a couple of softs aspects at 16-17 or around Noon in the US. And if you look at the Dow Jones, it did creep up as we got near Noon, and the US dollar finally broke out from 1.2060. The only time the markets made a move up was just after a hard in the 17-18 period as the gap started. Then there was mix of aspects in the last hour with the hards being a bit more powerful than softs, which created a tiny trend down. It all becomes very obvious on days when we have more focus intertwinned with gaps.


00-01 hss
01-02 g
02-03 h
03-04 h
04-05 hh
05-06 g
06-07 s
07-08 hsshh
08-09 sh
09-10 hs
10-11 hss
11-12 hs
12-13 g
13-14 h
14-15 g
15-16 g
16-17 ss
17-18 h
18-19 g
19-20 hshshs
20-21 s
21-22 s
22-23 s
23-24 s

Friday, September 23, 2005

Stock and Forex Market for Thurs 22 Sept 2005

The three softs at 10-11 did raise the Dax a little more than usual. Then the hard aspects eased back the market. It was not until we had more softs than hards just after Noon US, that the markets went up. Finally the aspects look very few and unfocussed, and the markets remained flat. Happy Equinox to all.


00-01 sh
01-02 sh
02-03 hh
03-04 hshh
04-05 hs
05-06 sh
06-07 sh
07-08 hhs
08-09 s
09-10 g
10-11 sss
11-12 hshs
12-13 h
13-14 shh
14-15 hh
15-16 h
16-17 hssh
17-18 hhs
18-19 s
19-20 h
20-21 ss
21-22 h
22-23 hsss
23-24 g

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Wed 21 Sept 2005

Below is this Wednesday's free report. It is a simplification of all the aspects that I look at. A focus of hard aspect or soft aspects effects the movement of markets. As you can see, for today we have some hard aspects in focus (eg: hhh). Please feel free to get on my instant messenger list to get free real time advice on Wednesdays.


00-01 h
01-02 hs
02-03 hh
03-04 shs
04-05 ssh
05-06 sh
06-07 hh
07-08 hhhh
08-09 ss
09-10 sh
10-11 hs
11-12 hss
12-13 sshs
13-14 hhs
14-15 hhh
15-16 hsss
16-17 s
17-18 hhh
18-19 h
19-20 hhhs
20-21 g
21-22 s
22-23 sss
23-24 s

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tuesday 20 Sept. 2005

EU started with hard aspects that brought the markets down, and then the soft aspects took the markets up and the US rose at the start, but later the large number of hard aspects dropped the markets.


00-01 g
01-02 shshsh
02-03 sssh
03-04 hhs
04-05 s
05-06 g
06-07 s
07-08 hsh
08-09 hh
09-10 hshsh
10-11 h
11-12 hs
12-13 hh
13-14 ss
14-15 ssh
15-16 g
16-17 s
17-18 s
18-19 sshhhhh
19-20 hss
20-21 sh
21-22 hsh
22-23 h
23-24 sh

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 19 August 2005

There were more soft aspects, but most markets did not go up, whilst they found it hard to go down.


00-01 hh
01-02 hhss
02-03 ssh
03-04 sh
04-05 hhhs
05-06 h
06-07 hhh
07-08 sshs
08-09 hhs
09-10 hss
10-11 sshs
11-12 g
12-13 sssh
13-14 ss
14-15 ss
15-16 shhs
16-17 s
17-18 s
18-19 hss
19-20 g
20-21 shh
21-22 ssh
22-23 sshshsh
23-24 sshh

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Fri 16 Sept 2005

The were just a little more soft aspects in EU trading, that took the Dax up. It was more balanced and then more softs mid-afternoon, which took the US markets up. The Euro and the US dollar did not correlate.


00-01 ss
01-02 ssss
02-03 ss
03-04 g
04-05 h
05-06 hshs
06-07 ssh
07-08 hsh
08-09 hh
09-10 s
10-11 hs
11-12 hs
12-13 hs
13-14 shs
14-15 shssh
15-16 hhsss
16-17 h
17-18 s
18-19 s
19-20 hhss
20-21 hsh
21-22 ssh
22-23 hs
23-24 shhhh

Friday, September 16, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thursday 15 Sept 2005

Looking at the aspects for EU and US it is clear that we had more hard aspects, which dropped the markets.


00-01 sss
01-02 g
02-03 hhh
03-04 hhhs
04-05 g
05-06 g
06-07 hh
07-08 shss
08-09 ss
09-10 s
10-11 g
11-12 ss
12-13 sh
13-14 hsh
14-15 h
15-16 h
16-17 g
17-18 sshhh
18-19 hh
19-20 sh
20-21 sss
21-22 g
22-23 shhsh
23-24 shhh

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market report for Wed 14 Sept 2005

Below are the aspects for today. You should be able to find them, just like me, with a good aspectarian. Please note the gaps in aspects from 07 to 10. So no fireworks in that time. The hard aspects are more abundant most of the time. So it will de difficult to go up, and easier to go down.


00-01 hhshs
01-02 h
02-03 h
03-04 hshss
04-05 g
05-06 hshs
06-07 hhs
07-08 g
08-09 g
09-10 g
10-11 hhhhs
11-12 ss
12-13 hss
13-14 shh
14-15 hssh
15-16 hh
16-17 h
17-18 hs
18-19 hsh
19-20 hhhs
20-21 hsh
21-22 hss
22-23 hsh
23-24 ssss

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tuesday 13 Sept 2005

There were hard aspects in early AM EU that dropped the markets after a good open, and the soft aspects stopped the fall. PM EU/AM US had more hard aspects early on, and they dropped the markets lower, with the US markets falling 0.8%. PM US had a focus of soft aspects (18-19) and they took the US stock markets up almost above the gain line, before the aspects were over, and harder ones appeared and the markets dropped back down. As far as the currencies are concerned, you can see that the predominantly hard aspects in EU trading dropped the Euro, whilst the hard and then softer aspects in PM US tested the 1.2255 a few times.


00-01 sh
01-02 hh
02-03 hs
03-04 h
04-05 shhhh
05-06 g
06-07 hsh
07-08 h
08-09 s
09-10 ss
10-11 ss
11-12 hs
12-13 h
13-14 hs
14-15 h
15-16 s
16-17 hs
17-18 h
18-19 hssssh
19-20 hshs
20-21 hh
21-22 s
22-23 hhhs
23-24 hs

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 12 August 2005

Apart from 08-09, most of the AM EU was hard; and so the Dax fell after opening up, and the Euro fell as well. PM EU was mixed, unfocused, and with a gap; which translated to boring sideways, and the both the Nasdaq and the Dow were flat. The US dollar was flat as well. PM US had a little more hards, followed by more softs; so there was a steeper drop, followed by a steeper rise, in a 0.3% boring trading range.


00-01 shsh
01-02 shss
02-03 sh
03-04 ss
04-05 shhh
05-06 g
06-07 ss
07-08 hh
08-09 ss
09-10 h
10-11 hs
11-12 shssh
12-13 sh
13-14 hss
14-15 g
15-16 g
16-17 hsh
17-18 sh
18-19 s
19-20 shhs
20-21 s
21-22 hshshh
22-23 ss
23-24 s

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Stock and Forex Market for Friday 9 September 2005

We really did not have a lot of focus of aspects in EU and US trading. It was mixed most of the time. Looking at the stock market charts, we can see that there was one move up in the US markets around Noon, and there were more softs around that time, but only just.


00-01 sss
01-02 ss
02-03 g
03-04 hh
04-05 g
05-06 shh
06-07 hsh
07-08 hhss
08-09 sh
09-10 hss
10-11 hssh
11-12 sh
12-13 hs
13-14 hs
14-15 shsh
15-16 sh
16-17 hss
17-18 shh
18-19 hhs
19-20 shh
20-21 ss
21-22 h
22-23 shs
23-24 hhs

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Sept and Oct '05 aspects to Neptune

Right now as I write, we are approaching to a moment when the Moon makes a 90 degrees aspects to Neptune and an oppostion to Mars after a 90 degrees to Saturn earlier on. You probably noticed how oil has dropped, and how idealism has taken a hit recently on the world of current affairs; with GWB and the Islamists ideologies suffering setbacks. Oil and Ideologies progress well, when there are soft aspects made by planets to Neptune, and suffer setbacks, when there are hard aspects. Look at the summary below. You can see clearly the number of hard aspects we have had recently. It really does not take too much to realise what is on the horizon.

22aug28 shhhhhs
29aug11 ssshss
12sep18 hhss
19sep25 hshh
26sep02 ssh
03oct09 hss
10oct16 hsss
17oct23 hsss
24oct30 hhh

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thursday 8 September 2005

AM EU had more hard aspects early on, and the Dax and Euro fell. PM EU/AM US had more soft aspects, and even though the Nasdaq opened down, it rose with the soft aspects, following the US dollar. PM US had more hard aspects early on, and they dropped the market. There were little aspects, and only a hard aspect for the rest of the afternoon, that dropped the US markets even lower.


00-01 hhs
01-02 ss
02-03 g
03-04 sss
04-05 g
05-06 hhss
06-07 hshs
07-08 hhhhh
08-09 h
09-10 sh
10-11 shss
11-12 s
12-13 ss
13-14 h
14-15 s
15-16 shh
16-17 hss
17-18 g
18-19 h
19-20 g
20-21 sh
21-22 shs
22-23 hh
23-24 hs

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Wed. 7 Sept. 2005

I have written the aspects for Wednesday for free before the markets start. Once a week on Wednesdays I am available to answer questions via Yahoo Instant Messenger. Use my id aliwho to reach me and you will get a live commentary.


00-01 ssh
01-02 h
02-03 hshhs
03-04 h
04-05 ss
05-06 shs
06-07 shhhshh
07-08 ssh
08-09 hshsss
09-10 ssh
10-11 hhh
11-12 hhh
12-13 ss
13-14 ss
14-15 sh
15-16 shh
16-17 g
17-18 sh
18-19 shh
19-20 g
20-21 hh
21-22 hhs
22-23 g
23-24 hhhs

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tuesday 6 Sept. 2005

There were quite a few soft aspects before the EU markets started trading. There was little focus in AM EU, but there were some hards. The Dax started well, and was kept flat by those hards. The Euro fell with those hards. PM EU/AM US had more hard aspects, and the this time the US dollar fell, and the US stock markets were totally amibivalent. PM US was less focused, and the markets remained flat. Please note how the markets, which rose in a knee jerk reaction to the oil price, did not have a follow through against the prevailing hard aspects.


00-01 hhshhsh
01-02 hh
02-03 hhsh
03-04 ssssh
04-05 ss
05-06 s
06-07 s
07-08 hh
08-09 h
09-10 sh
10-11 s
11-12 shshsh
12-13 sh
13-14 hhhh
14-15 hshhs
15-16 h
16-17 g
17-18 h
18-19 hs
19-20 shss
20-21 shh
21-22 hhs
22-23 sh
23-24 s

Monday, September 05, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 5 Sept 2005

We had some hard aspects in early AM EU and the Euro dropped from 1.2588 to 1.2529, and then we had soft aspects that rose the Euro to 1.2573, whilst the Dax remained rose and then remained flat. PM EU/AM US had mostly hard aspects, that dropped the US stock markets 0.7%, but the US dollar managed to gain. PM US had a bit more soft aspects, that helped the stock markets to rise 0.3%, and the US dollar hovered around 1.2525.


00-01 hs
01-02 g
02-03 s
03-04 shs
04-05 hs
05-06 s
06-07 ss
07-08 shh
08-09 h
09-10 s
10-11 ss
11-12 shh
12-13 h
13-14 hh
14-15 hhss
15-16 h
16-17 shs
17-18 shhs
18-19 h
19-20 hss
20-21 s
21-22 h
22-23 hs
23-24 g

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Friday 2 August 2005

In early AM EU we had more softs and they were more focused, and that is why the Dax opened up 0.4%, and the Euro rose to 1.2592. Later on in AM EU there were more hard aspects, and the Dax fell 0.8% from its high, and the Euro fell to 1.2534. PM EU/AM US had more hard aspects, and the stock markets remained pressured, whilst the US dollar was mixed. PM US had more hard aspects, and the US dollar fell to 1.2550 after rising to 1.2495, whilst the US stock markets did not correlate and rose until mid-afternoon, before falling down and closing on the low of the day.


00-01 sss
01-02 shsh
02-03 shsh
03-04 hh
04-05 hss
05-06 h
06-07 hss
07-08 hs
08-09 g
09-10 hhss
10-11 s
11-12 hssh
12-13 hh
13-14 g
14-15 ssh
15-16 hh
16-17 g
17-18 hhh
18-19 hs
19-20 h
20-21 hss
21-22 sss
22-23 h
23-24 s

Friday, September 02, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thursday 1 September 2005

There were just a bit more soft aspects in AM EU than hard aspects, which kept the stock markets up, and the Euro rose to 1.2382. PM EU/AM US had hards, then softs, which took the US markets down, then up. The US dollar dropped to 1.2474 with the hards, and then stopped falling with the softs and only managed to rise to 1.2445. PM US had more hard aspects, that dropped the US dollar to 1.2526, and the US stock market lost 0.7% from the high.


00-01 sss
01-02 shsh
02-03 shsh
03-04 hh
04-05 hss
05-06 h
06-07 hss
07-08 hs
08-09 g
09-10 hhss
10-11 s
11-12 hssh
12-13 hh
13-14 g
14-15 ssh
15-16 hh
16-17 g
17-18 hhh
18-19 hs
19-20 h
20-21 hss
21-22 sss
22-23 h
23-24 s

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Wed. 31 August 2005

Here are the Wednesday free signals. You can find them in an aspectarian like the one in Winstar if you configure it according to the aspects I have referred to in the beginners guide (see link on this site). Today it seems we have in both EU and US trading distinct periods of soft and hard aspects. So we should see some interesting moves up and down. But this system goes wrong a lot of the time. So take it easy.


00-01 sss
01-02 s
02-03 shs
03-04 hhh
04-05 hs
05-06 g
06-07 h
07-08 s
08-09 s
09-10 g
10-11 s
11-12 hshh
12-13 hss
13-14 s
14-15 hs
15-16 g
16-17 s
17-18 s
18-19 hhhs
19-20 shhhh
20-21 sss
21-22 hhh
22-23 s
23-24 g

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tuesday 30 August 2005

Early AM EU had quite a few hard aspects and both the Dax and the Euro fell. AM US had some softs and that helped the US dollar to rise to its highest point of the day at 1.2171, and the US stock markets held for a while, but then the harder aspects came around and the markets fell, with the US dollar falling to 1.2230. PM US had a little softs that helped the markets. But later on there were more hard aspects, and then it got mixed at the end and the stock markets gyrated in a 0.6% band.


00-01 h
01-02 hhh
02-03 hsh
03-04 ss
04-05 s
05-06 sh
06-07 shhh
07-08 hshh
08-09 shsh
09-10 g
10-11 hs
11-12 hs
12-13 g
13-14 ss
14-15 h
15-16 hsh
16-17 hsh
17-18 h
18-19 hsshs
19-20 g
20-21 hh
21-22 ss
22-23 s
23-24 h

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 29 August 2005

If you look at the aspects below for the AM EU (07-11), you will see that there are more soft aspects until 10. Now take a look at the Euro, it rose to 1.2345. Then we had some hard aspects, and the Euro fell, and the Dax stayed flat. PM EU (11-16) and AM US had more hards, which dropped the Euro until the US started, and the US stock markets fell, and the US dollar which had risen with the falling Euro to 1.2280, fell to 1.2305 in the early moments of US trading. Later on that morning the aspects were more mixed, which resulted in the stock markets being mixed or flat. PM US (16-20) started with more soft aspects, and the US dollar rose to 1.2215, whilst the US stock markets rose 0.6%. Now take a look at the two hard aspects at 19-20, and then take a look at the chart of US stock indices, and you will see how they all stopped rising and levelled off, and the US dollar fell to 1.2240.

I used to compare this sort of analysis to the run of the mill commentary you get from the news agencies and brokers, but I can't be bothered any more. But look at the bad news from the hurricane and oil price. Ask yourself why didn't the stock markets and currency markets not dive. What happened to logic? It really does not compare to Astrologic does it? But tell that to the brokers, wealthy investment analysts. I love it when I can just throw a bit of dust in their face. Take that. Yeah it's attitude. What do you want from a Capricorn?


00-01 shss
01-02 s
02-03 hh
03-04 g
04-05 s
05-06 hsss
06-07 hshs
07-08 s
08-09 sh
09-10 ss
10-11 h
11-12 hh
12-13 shhs
13-14 h
14-15 hsh
15-16 g
16-17 h
17-18 s
18-19 s
19-20 hh
20-21 g
21-22 sh
22-23 h
23-34 shh

Friday, August 26, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Friday 26 August 2005

First thing you notice about the aspects in EU and US are number of hours when there were no aspects at all (shown as 'g' for gaps). Remember as astrologers we look at certain set of aspects. Also notice the low number of aspects. You would expect that nothing much to happen, if there are no or little aspects. In fact what tends to happen is that it is difficult to get decisions, and you get problems. On the shop floor one notices problems appearing. Communication breakdown we would call it. For me today was a classic example of one sort of comm problem to the next during those period. They are lovely moments of total confusion which I usually laugh off, and boy did we have some weird funny situations. It was as most people call it, a 'thank god it's Friday' day.

Let's look at the markets, and see if there we any correlations. The Dax was completely flat and boring as expected, and the Euro was confined in a tight range of 1.2310 to 1.2320. So that was a good correlation. In the afternoon, the EU markets had a focus of hard aspects, and that dropped the Dax like a stone some 1.5%, and the Euro fell to 1.2300. The US markets also fell 0.8% and the US dollar then fell to 1.2344. PM US had a couple of soft aspects, that helped the US stocks and the US dollar for a while, but the hard aspects near the end dropped the US stock again.


00-01 hh
01-02 sshs
02-03 s
03-04 s
04-05 s
05-06 g
06-07 hsshh
07-08 s
08-09 h
09-10 g
10-11 h
11-12 g
12-13 ssh
13-14 hhhs
14-15 h
15-16 hshs
16-17 g
17-18 s
18-19 s
19-20 h
20-21 hhss
21-22 g
22-23 hh
23-24 g

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thursday 25 August 2005

It is quite easy to see that the large number of hard aspects in early EU dropped the Dax 1.2%, and the Euro to 1.2280. Mixed picture in PM EU and US opening, rose the stock and forex markets in US. If you look carefully at focus of hard aspects just before Noon, you will see that the markets fell 0.4%. As far as the US dollar, it rose when the trading started in the US with the softer aspects to 1.2263, but later on as we approached Noon and the harder aspects, the US dollar dropped to 1.2329. PM US was more mixed unfocused time and the trading was confined.


00-01 hh
01-02 shsh
02-03 hs
03-04 sssh
04-05 hsh
05-06 shshss
06-07 hss
07-08 s
08-09 sh
09-10 hhhhh
10-11 s
11-12 h
12-13 shshs
13-14 hshh
14-15 hh
15-16 hhss
16-17 g
17-18 shh
18-19 sh
19-20 hss
20-21 shhs
21-22 ssh
22-23 hh
23-24 hs

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Astrology for Wed 24 August 2005

Below are the hard, soft and when there are gaps in the aspects in each hour. Read the previous reports, to understand how the focus of aspects effects the markets. Get on my Yahoo Instant Messenger, and you can discuss these aspects for free today.


00-01 shs
01-02 shhh
02-03 sh
03-04 hss
04-05 hh
05-06 hs
06-07 hs
07-08 s
08-09 shh
09-10 sss
10-11 h
11-12 s
12-13 shh
13-14 h
14-15 hs
15-16 g
16-17 hhs
17-18 h
18-19 hssh
19-20 hss
20-21 h
21-22 h
22-23 hh
23-24 s

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tuesday 23 August 2005

A quick glance at the aspects for AM EU (07-11), shows that there are more hard aspects, than soft aspects. So one would expect the markets to find it easier to go down than to go up. Is this borne out by the real results? Well, take a look at the Dax or the Euro movement. The Dax fell 0.9%, and the Euro fell from 1.2255 to 1.2230. Now let's look at the PM EU or AM US (11-16) period. This period was a bit more mixed, but it did have some focused hard periods. So did they bring the stock markets down? Sure did. Look at the US stock markets fall 0.8%. The US dollar fell from 1.2195 to 1.2245. Finally, let's look at the PM US (16-20) period. It looks like there are more soft aspects. So did the stock markets go up? Sure did, some 0.8%, and the US dollar tried to go beyond 1,2225. Now I have posted tomorrows aspects for free. See if they help you.


00-01 hs
01-02 hsss
02-03 s
03-04 sh
04-05 s
05-06 ss
06-07 hh
07-08 hsh
08-09 hh
09-10 hs
10-11 hh
11-12 shsh
12-13 h
13-14 g
14-15 hh
15-16 shshs
16-17 hssh
17-18 shs
18-19 h
19-20 hh
20-21 s
21-22 s
22-23 sssh
23-24 sh

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 22 August 2005

Clearly this morning in EU there were more hard aspects; and the Dax fell accordingly, whilst the Euro touched 1.2169. PM EU or AM US had more of a mixed set; the US stocks went up, and then down, as there were little aspects, with only a couple of unfocused hard aspects. But the hard aspects increased later on in the morning, and they pressured the markets in the early afternoon; as the US stocks fell 1%, and the US dollar stayed below 1.2220.


00-01 hs
01-02 sshh
02-03 h
03-04 hs
04-05 hhss
05-06 hs
06-07 ssh
07-08 hhss
08-09 s
09-10 hh
10-11 hhhs
11-12 hs
12-13 h
13-14 h
14-15 hshs
15-16 s
16-17 sshh
17-18 shh
18-19 sh
19-20 h
20-21 shsh
21-22 sshs
22-23 hsh
23-24 g

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Friday 19 August 2005

If you look at the aspects below, you will see that AM EU (07-11) had more hard (h) aspects to begin with and then less. So one would expect the markets, be they stock or currency markets, to go down more easily first and then go up. And the Dax did fall a bit at the start and then go up; not that convincing I must say. The Euro correlated better falling to 1.2127, and then went up. The PM EU or AM US (13-16) had more hard aspects, and the stock markets struggled to go up. The US dollar went up and did not correlate. PM US (16-20) was a mixed bag, and the markets themselves just drifted down in a narrow range. In fact the whole day lacked conviction, reflecting the lack of focus in the aspects.


00-01 ss
01-02 ss
02-03 hh
03-04 hshhh
04-05 h
05-06 hh
06-07 s
07-08 hh
08-09 hh
09-10 shsh
10-11 hs
11-12 g
12-13 hs
13-14 hhss
14-15 hhhs
15-16 s
16-17 g
17-18 shs
18-19 ssh
19-20 sh
20-21 s
21-22 shh
22-23 hsssss
23-24 s

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thursday 18 August 2005

Take a look at the all the hard aspects in AM EU, and you can see why the Dax and the Euro fell. Look at the soft aspects in PM EU or AM US, and you can see why the US stock markets and the US dollar went up. Finally look at the PM US aspects, and you can see how the hard aspects then brought the markets back down.


00-01 g
01-02 shss
02-03 shhs
03-04 sh
04-05 hs
05-06 s
06-07 shss
07-08 s
08-09 ss
09-10 hhh
10-11 hh
11-12 s
12-13 ss
13-14 ssh
14-15 hssss
15-16 h
16-17 sh
17-18 hsh
18-19 g
19-20 hh
20-21 hh
21-22 sh
22-23 hs
23-24 g

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Wed. 17 August 2005

Below are the free aspects for this Wednesday. You should be able to find the aspects yourself using a good aspectarian. Read the beginners guide, and then ask me questions by joining me on my Yahoo Instant Messenger live updates. Use the email link to contact me if you like.


00-01 ss
01-02 hsh
02-03 hh
03-04 sh
04-05 hss
05-06 sshs
06-07 g
07-08 h
08-09 h
09-10 shs
10-11 shs
11-12 s
12-13 s
13-14 hhs
14-15 h
15-16 hhhs
16-17 h
17-18 hhs
18-19 g
19-20 hss
20-21 shs
21-22 shh
22-23 shhs
23-24 h

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tuesday 16 August 2005

There were more hard aspects in early AM EU trading and the Euro fell, but the Dax stayed flat. Later on in AM EU there more softs and the Euro consolidated around 1.2325. PM EU or AM US had a lot of hard aspects just when the US stock market was opening, and the US stock markets fell. The hard aspects dropped the US dollar. PM US had little aspects, and then more hard aspects. That meant that the US markets did nothing for a while, and then fell some more.


00-01 hhh
01-02 hh
02-03 sh
03-04 hs
04-05 hhhh
05-06 sh
06-07 g
07-08 s
08-09 sh
09-10 hsh
10-11 s
11-12 s
12-13 sssh
13-14 hhhh
14-15 sss
15-16 hs
16-17 s
17-18 g
18-19 h
19-20 hhsh
20-21 hsh
21-22 hhs
22-23 s
23-24 g

Monday, August 15, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 15 August 2005

Below is a simplification of the hard and soft and moments when there are no aspects for today. You should be able to find them in an aspectarian, just like I have. Look at the moments when there are various concentrations of aspects, and see if the markets reacted appropriately.

Look at the EU morning and you will see that the Dax didn't do a whole lot with the few aspects there, and the move was mostly down with the little more emphasis on the hards. The Euro also fell with the hards. In the afternoon, or in the US morning, there were more hards and the Dax, and Euro fell further. The US stock market also fell with those hard aspects, and so did the US dollar. PM US had more soft aspects and we saw the US stock markets turn around and go up, until we had more hards at the end, which stopped the move up.


00-01 s
01-02 s
02-03 hs
03-04 hs
04-05 sh
05-06 hshs
06-07 s
07-08 g
08-09 hhs
09-10 s
10-11 g
11-12 ssh
12-13 shhhh
13-14 sh
14-15 hhh
15-16 h
16-17 g
17-18 h
18-19 sssh
19-20 hsss
20-21 shshh
21-22 s
22-23 sh
23-24 h

Friday, August 12, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Friday 12 August 2005

Below is a simplification of the aspects we had today. Aspects take place at an exact time. What I do is to simplify it all into hard, soft and gaps in aspects. The actual device that I use, you can get as well. There is nothing of me in this. All I have done is to make it easier for me, and I am sharing that info for you.

For today, let's look at the EU and US time zones aspects. You can see that there were more hard aspects than soft aspects most of the time. That explains why the stock markets fell there. People like to zoom into the exact times these aspects are made, and todays US trade data is a good example. The data was released at 12:30 GMT. The Sun is rising in the US, and a soft aspect in US would be conducive for their currency to rise. Now if you look at the aspects that we around at that time, there was a soft aspect at 13:01 GMT. To me that explains the rise of the US dollar from 1.2477 to 1.2383. For today it worked well. But sadly it does not work all the time.


00-01 ssh
01-02 hh
02-03 h
03-04 h
04-05 sssh
05-06 hs
06-07 hsshh
07-08 sshhh
08-09 s
09-10 shhh
10-11 s
11-12 hs
12-13 h
13-14 s
14-15 h
15-16 sh
16-17 hhss
17-18 g
18-19 sh
19-20 hhhs
20-21 shh
21-22 shhshh
22-23 sh
23-24 h

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Thursday 11 August 2005

We had more soft aspects in early AM EU trading, and they took both the Euro and Dax up. Later on in the morning though, there were more hard aspects, and the Euro pulled back, but held above 1.2400, and the Dax lost 0.6% of its gains. PM EU/AM US had little aspects which were on the hard side to begin with, and then softer later when the US markets opened; which rose the US stock markets 0.6%, and the US dollar tested 1.2398. PM US had plenty of hard aspects; which kept the US stock markets down, and the US dollar dropped to 1.2480. But there were some soft aspects at the very end of the US session, and that helped the US stock markets to stage a 0.8% rise.


00-01 hhh
01-02 ssh
02-03 hhhh
03-04 sh
04-05 hh
05-06 hs
06-07 g
07-08 sss
08-09 s
09-10 hss
10-11 g
11-12 sshshhh
12-13 h
13-14 shh
14-15 s
15-16 g
16-17 hh
17-18 s
18-19 shhhh
19-20 sshsh
20-21 s
21-22 hs
22-23 hsh
23-24 shs

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Wed. 10 August 2005

Here is the free astrology report that I give out before trading starts on Wednesdays. I hope you can look back at the previous reviews and get a feel for what to expect. h = hard aspect, s = soft aspect, g = gap in aspects. Remember I am only available to discuss this report and expand on its information via Yahoo Instant Messenger. Click on the email link on this site to contact me. Do not change the subject line or else I might ignore it. I have a free live real time broadcast that goes out to all who are interested in my comments on the market movement on Wednesdays. Let me know if you want to join in your email.


00-01 sssh
01-02 sh
02-03 hs
03-04 g
04-05 sh
05-06 hh
06-07 sh
07-08 s
08-09 shhs
09-10 s
10-11 hshh
11-12 hssh
12-13 ss
13-14 ssh
14-15 hh
15-16 g
16-17 g
17-18 g
18-19 s
19-20 s
20-21 hh
21-22 hssh
22-23 s
23-24 shs

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for 9 August 2005

There were more hard aspects just before EU markets opened and the Euro fell from the Asian high of 1.2418. Not many aspects but still more softs in AM EU buoyed Dax, and Euro around 1.2370 level. PM EU/AM US period had soft then harder aspects, that rose the US dollar to 1.2332, but notice how the stock markets were ambivalent to all the aspects. Guess what? Fed announcement day, and the traders switch off. Why doesn't the Fed make its announcements on public holidays? Anyway the harder aspects did drop the US dollar just before Noon US. PM US (16-20 GMT) had more hard aspects and the markets fell. Or was it because of the Fed raised the rates. We will see when we get soft aspects in some period in the future, and then the market goes up. And then what are they going to say? Suddenly it all looks a bit silly doesn't it? There should be no announcements in market hours that will effect trading. It happens every time, and it does no good.


00-01 g
01-02 shs
02-03 hs
03-04 ss
04-05 hh
05-06 hshhs
06-07 h
07-08 hhhs
08-09 sssh
09-10 h
10-11 s
11-12 g
12-13 ss
13-14 hs
14-15 shh
15-16 hh
16-17 h
17-18 h
18-19 hs
19-20 hhs
20-21 h
21-22 shs
22-23 g
23-24 sss

Monday, August 08, 2005

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Monday 8 August 2005

Take a look at the aspects below. Have a look at how the hard aspects (h) started to be a little more than the soft aspects (s) as we approached Noon GMT, compared to the more soft aspects earlier on in Asian trading. Now take a look at the chart of the Euro as it rose early on to 1.2393, and then fell with the more hards in EU trading. If you have an aspectarian, you should be able to find these aspects yourself. And didn't those hard aspects give the Shuttle a headache as well. See the other site for that comment. Anyway, the afternoon had a little more softs, that lifted the Dax up to the highest point of the day, and the US markets started off well. But then we have a lot of hard aspects later on in EU afternoon, or later on in the US morning. And have a look at the Dax and the US stock markets. Down they went. Funnily enough those hard aspects stopped the US dollar from rising at 1.2355. Finally take a look at the PM US aspects or from 16 to 20 GMT. Again loads of hard aspects, and so it makes sense to see the US stock market falling. I love it when it all correlates so well. Nice feeling init? But it is not always this clear. Remember days like these, when it all goes badly wrong. It has, and it will. This stuff is not prefect by a long shot.


00-01 s
01-02 h
02-03 hssh
03-04 h
04-05 s
05-06 sh
06-07 g
07-08 hh
08-09 hsh
09-10 hsh
10-11 shhs
11-12 hs
12-13 ss
13-14 ss
14-15 g
15-16 h
16-17 hhh
17-18 hh
18-19 hhh
19-20 hhs
20-21 s
21-22 s
22-23 hs
23-24 g

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