Friday, January 27, 2006

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Fri 27 Jan 06

AM EU had one soft focused period; that enabled the Dax and Euro to remain bouyant. PM EU/AM US two hard focused periods; that enabled stopped the US stock markets from rising and pulled them back. PM US had one soft focused period; that rose the US markets. This is my simple daily report that costs $100/month. If you need more details you need to have the 5 day detailed report per region for $300/month. See and contact me for details.


00-01 ssh
01-02 hhhhs ]
02-03 g
03-04 sh
04-05 s
05-06 sh
06-07 hhh ]
07-08 g
08-09 hs
09-10 h
10-11 ssssh ]
11-12 shsh
12-13 hs
13-14 hhshh ]
14-15 g
15-16 hhh ]
16-17 ss
17-18 s
18-19 sss ]
19-20 sshhs
20-21 g
21-22 sh
22-23 hh
23-24 hhh ]

note: ]=focused