Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Tues 28 Feb 06

AM EU and AM US had hard focus, that dropped the US market. The rest of the times, were not sufficiently focused, and the markets did nothing.


00-01 sh
01-02 hh <= hard focus
02-03 hss
03-04 hhhh <= hard focus
04-05 s
05-06 ss <= soft focus
06-07 hh
07-08 sssh <= soft focus
08-09 shh
09-10 g
10-11 h
11-12 hh <= hard focus
12-13 h
13-14 sh
14-15 shh <= hard focus
15-16 shsss <= soft focus
16-17 hs
17-18 sh
18-19 hshsh
19-20 g
21-22 hshh <= hard focus
22-23 ssss <= soft focus
23-24 shhs