Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Free Stock and Forex Market Astrology for Wed. 7 Sept. 2005

I have written the aspects for Wednesday for free before the markets start. Once a week on Wednesdays I am available to answer questions via Yahoo Instant Messenger. Use my id aliwho to reach me and you will get a live commentary.


00-01 ssh
01-02 h
02-03 hshhs
03-04 h
04-05 ss
05-06 shs
06-07 shhhshh
07-08 ssh
08-09 hshsss
09-10 ssh
10-11 hhh
11-12 hhh
12-13 ss
13-14 ss
14-15 sh
15-16 shh
16-17 g
17-18 sh
18-19 shh
19-20 g
20-21 hh
21-22 hhs
22-23 g
23-24 hhhs